Last Tuesday 14th January the Shed re-opened following the holiday break. Projects currently being worked on are — finalising the application for the Shed Extension Building Permit, Neighbourhood Centre Project (new ramp, another garden shed and fence), Kenyan Top Bar Bee Hives, Deer Guards, trailer renovations, installation of our new 15″ Thicknesser machine plus a number of small jobs that keep coming in.
Committee – Monday 10th February 9:30 am at the Shed.
BBQ Lunch & General Meeting — Friday 14th February 11:30 am for lunch at 12 noon.
Christmas Street Decoration Dismantling
This was started on Sunday 19th January and we just completed Kiewa St when the rain came. We re-scheduled for Monday at 9:30 am but again the rain came. The weather improved in the afternoon and the remaining decorations in Hollonds St were taken down. Thanks to the following members for assistance: Dick Puttyfoot, Brian Keeble, Mal Darwent, Duncan Robinson, Henry Ziemnicki, Derek Hutton, Barry Hinson, John Driver, Campbell Ford and Paul L’Huillier. Thanks also to the North East Home Improvement Co for the use of their portable scaffolding.
The shed has been operational for four years
What sort of projects has the Shed completed for the community, clients and the Shed itself since we opened in January 2016? You will be surprised! Click [HERE] to view.
Community Catch Up/Feedback on the current fire situation — Thursday 23rd January.
Alpine Shire is asking for practical community feedback on the current fire situation. In particular, it wants information and feedback on what our local community feels the Shire has done well to address any issues, and what it needs to improve, in both the short and long term. These informal meetings are being run throughout the shire.
Two informal community meetings will be held at the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre next Thursday, January 23 from 9.30 am and from 6.00 pm.
Other ways for feedback would be to email <>
These meetings will provide the Alpine Shire with your feedback and the shire will follow up with formal meetings about what services will be available.
Refreshments and food will be provided at both sessions.

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