Alpine Health initiated the Mount Beauty Men’s Shed project on Wednesday, 5th October 2011, by calling a public meeting to gauge community support. Sixty men attended and decided to form a steering committee to move the project forward. The Shed was incorporated on 22nd November 2011.
The initial tasks of this committee were to get the organization incorporated, apply for an ABN, open a bank account, visit the Bright and Myrtleford Men’s Sheds, conduct fundraising/membership drive BBQs, seek grant opportunities, investigate possible Shed sites and join the national body – Australian Men’s Shed Association Inc. and the state body – Victorian Men’s Shed Association Inc.
The committee had been negotiating with the Alpine Shire for a possible Shed site next to the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre for two years. A lease was finally signed in May 2014, and construction started in June 2014.
Our Objectives
- To provide a venue for ongoing social interaction among members;
- To develop a range of activities in which all members can participate;
- To develop and run programs that will contribute to better health and well-being of the members;
- To conduct a well-managed and well-operated community-based Men’s Shed;
- To build the sustainability of the Men’s Shed;
- To undertake community development and support activities;
- To organise mentoring opportunities.
- February — Fifty Black Dog Motor Cycle Riders visited the Shed for afternoon tea and social interaction. The purpose of the Black Dog Rides is to ‘raise awareness of depression and suicidal prevention in local communities’.
- December — The Shed anticipates seven members attending a five-hour Mental Health 1st Aid Course with the Bright and Myrtelford Men’s Sheds.
- November — Melbourne Cup Weekend Garage Sale. The Shed provided the BBQ cooking for AGL & the Whelans Group—approximately 50 workers were in attendance for each. Each was a charity fundraising event. The Shed received a donation from each business for its efforts. CNC Router purchase. The Shed decided to purchase this machine (in parts) and put it together to suit our situation. It was a substantial purchase that could earn big for the Shed.
- October — The Shed was host for the Murray-Hume Shed Cluster Meeting. Thirty shedders attended, with eight sheds represented.
- September — Long-serving president Dick Puttyfoot was awarded a Life Membership.
- May — Four Wheel Drive trip to Blairs Hut in the Upper West Kiewa Valley. Four vehicles. Total of 12 members. It was an 80 km round trip. Cooked lunch at Blairs Hut.
- April — The Shed manufactured its own Kindling Splitting machine and produced 400 bags for the season, selling them for $10/bag—a major fundraiser for the Shed.
- February — New Treasurer appointed – Peter Donnan. Peter has taken over from Paul L’Huillier, who has been in that role since the Shed was formed in 2011.
- January (New Year’s Day) — Garage Sale at the Shed. A successful Garage Sale was again conducted on Community Market Day at the Shed. These sales have been an excellent fundraiser for the Shed over the years due to all items sold being donated.
- December — We had two Shed representatives (Ian Howley & Paul L’Huillier) at the largest area Cluster Meeting of Men’s Shed held at Wodonga. A total of 20 Sheds were in attendance from NE Vic and the Riverina NSW. Santas and Elves manufactured by the Shed and painted by the local Art Group were distributed to businesses for a fee for six weeks around Christmas time. This is a fundraising exercise for the Shed. This will occur each year.
- January (New Year’s Day) — Garage Sale at the Shed. A successful Garage Sale was conducted on Community Market Day at the Shed. These sales have been an excellent fundraiser for the Shed over the years due to all items sold being donated.
- December — Shed extension finally completed the last job, the paving under the verandah. Christmas lunch was held in the Shed this year.
- November — Life Membership was awarded to Ian Howley in recognition of his work as the Shed Construction Manager for both the main and extension. Ian was also secretary for six years and vice president for two. It was the Shed’s first Life Membership awarded.
- May — Bendigo Bank approved a small grant for us to purchase a Printer/Copier/Scanner for the new office. AMSA grant approved for the purchase of IT equipment for the new Office in the West Wing.
- April — The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal approved a small grant for some IT equipment for the new office.
- January — Garage Sale at the Shed. A successful Garage Sale was conducted on Community Market Day at the Shed. Street Christmas Decorations – these were taken down for the last time by the Shed. The Shed has been putting up and taking down decorations for the Chamber of Commerce for eight years and decided enough was enough.
- December — Christmas luncheon cancelled due to COVID-19. Work starts to outfit the internals of the Shed Extension. Street Christmas decorations were erected for the 8th year (the Shed’s last).
- November — Work begins on the internal fit-out of the Shed Extension (The West Wing).
- November — Shed re-opens after the second lockdown restrictions are lifted. AGL Hydro Community Support Fund application was successful for funds to assist with the external workaround the Shed Extension i.e. landscaping, paving and concreting the roller door entrances. Grant received from the Vic Depart of H&HS to cover Shed operating costs during COVID-19 lockdowns.
- October — Gentile Steel Fabrications finished the building of the Shed Extension shell.
- August — AGL Hydro Community Support Fund application submitted for external works around the Shed Extension. Shed again locked down due to the second Coronavirus outbreak in Victoria.
- July — On 20th July Gentile Steel Fabrications started construction on the Shed Extension shell.
- June – Shed re-opened on Tuesday 2nd June ’20 after the Coronavirus nationwide lockdown. On the 9th of June, ’20 Gentile Steel Fabrications started work on the Shed Extension. UKV Lions Club donated $5,000.00 to the Shed as part of the Bushfire Recovery Funding that they received.
- March – Shed BBQs and Footy Gate attendance were cancelled due to the threat of the Coronavirus. The shed closed due to a nationwide lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
- February — Shed Building Tenders put out for the building of the Shed Extension.
- November — Notification from the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services that we were successful with a major grant to build a Shed extension. Christmas luncheon. This was held for the fourth time in the Alex McCullough Hall next to the Neighbourhood Centre. A special thanks to the Neighbourhood Centre for the use of their well-equipped kitchen.
- September — AGL Hydro Community Support Fund application submitted for a tradesman’s trailer canopy (successful).
- . For the fourth year, the Shed had a screening of the AFL Grand Final for members (12 in attendance). President Dick Puttyfoot attended the three-day National Mens’ Shed Conference in Adelaide SA. A large and important project to produce wooden signs for Parks Victoria was completed thanks to Dick Puttyfoot and his CNC Computer Routing skills. Purchase of a secondhand tradesman’s trailer with a canopy to be used to transport equipment to man the Football Gate nine times per season.
- August — Installation of the Eagle Chair as a feature at the north end of the Shed. Chair donated by the Falls Creek Lift Co.
- July — Victorian Department of Health & Human Services grant application submitted for major funding for the Shed extension (successful).
- June — Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal grant application submitted for three Evaporative Coolers (unsuccessful). Alpine Shire Community Development Grant application submitted for a wood Thicknesser (successful). AMSA grant application submitted for a Planer.
- May & June — Foundation and drainage work started on the Shed extension using funds from the Alpine Shire’s Community Development Program.
- April to September — Fundraising: Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs gate manning and raffle ticket sales continued. Our major fundraiser for the year.
- December — Christmas luncheon. This was held for the third time in the Alex McCullough Hall next to the Neighbourhood Centre. A special thanks to the Neighbourhood Centre for the use of their well-equipped kitchen.
- November — Held a Garage Sale at the Community Market on Melbourne Cup Weekend.
- September — For the third year, the Shed had a screening of the AFL Grand Final for members (15 in attendance). External cabinet installed under the verandah to house the BBQ. Planning permit & Plans approved by the Alpine Shire for the construction of the 12m x 9m Shed Extension.
- August — Federal Government Volunteer Grant application submitted for a Marquee and another Compactus (successful). Bendigo Bank Grant application submitted for a Metal Cutting Band Saw (successful).
- June — Alpine Shire Community Development Grant application submitted for the foundation work on our new Shed extension (successful).
- April to September — Fundraising: Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs gate manning and raffle ticket sales continued. Our major fundraiser for the year.
- April — Held a Garage Sale at the Easter Community Market.
- March — AGL Community Grant application submitted for a soundproof glass window between the workshop and recreation room (successful).
- December — Christmas luncheon. Fifty-nine members, partners and guests attended. Thanks to committeeman and Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge for organising. This was held for the second time in the Alex McCullough Hall next to the Neighbourhood Centre. A special thanks to the Neighbourhood Centre for the use of their well-equipped kitchen.
- November — AusNet Services Grant submitted for a Metal Cutting Band Saw (successful). Another very successful Rotary Club Garage Sale for the Shed held on the Melbourne Cup weekend.
- October — Shed used as a venue for the ‘Lake Dog Walk’ event conducted by the Bendigo Bank.
- August — Electrical Trade Union (ETU) Grant submitted for a Safety Cabinet to house flammable products (successful). Bendigo Bank Grant submitted for Eye Wash Basin (unsuccessful). AMSA Grant application re-submitted for a Dust Extraction & Collection System (successful).
- May to June — Installation of a Dust Collection/Extraction System and a shed to house the Unit.
- April to May — Bunk Building Project. Built another 12 Bunks for the Outdoor School – Bogong.
- May — AGL and Shed members morning tea. This was to recognise the close working relationship between the two organisations. The Shed has been very appreciative of AGL’s support during its construction.
- March — Another very successful Rotary Club Garage Sale for the Shed held on Easter Saturday.
- January — AMSA Grant application submitted for a Dust Extraction & Collection System (unsuccessful).
- December — Federal Government Volunteer Grant submitted for Hi-Bay Lighting (successful).
- December — Christmas luncheon. Fifty-six members, partners, and guests attended. Thanks to committeeman and Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge for organising. This was held for the first time in the Alex McCullough Hall next to the Neighbourhood Centre.
- December — AGL generously donated, transported, and installed two Power Station ‘Runners‘ as a feature on the lawn at the north end of the Shed.
- December — A Shade Sail was installed at the north end of the Shed. A great addition to the Shed’s social activity area.
- October — Shed hosts the quarterly meeting of the Ovens & Murray Cluster Meeting (30 delegates in attendance).
- September — Into Our Hands Community Foundation Grant application submitted for tools, dust & fume extraction fans (unsuccessful).
- May — With the assistance of AGL workers and their large crane the awning over the roller door was installed.
- April to September — Fundraising: Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs gate manning and raffle ticket sales continued. Our major fundraiser for the year.
- March — Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Shed and the Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre.
- February — Official Opening Friday 19th February. 125 people attend. Opening performed by Bill Tilley member for Benambra.
- January — After 18 months of construction, the Shed opens to members on Tuesday 12th January.
- December — Christmas luncheon. Sixty members, partners, and guests attended. Thanks to committeeman and Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge for organising.
- November — Federal Government Volunteer Grant submitted for a Compatus Storage Unit (successful). Victorian Health & Human Services Grant application submitted for a Shade Sail for the north end of the Shed. Successful. AMSA Grant submitted (successful).
- October — Committee appoint a Health & Safety Committee to develop policies and an induction process for members prior to the Shed opening to members 12th January 2016.
- October — Alpine Shire Community Development Grant application submitted (successful). Bendigo Bank Grant application submitted. Not successful. Electrical Trade Union Grant application submitted for a vacuum cleaner and welding helmets (successful).
- September — Into Our Hands Community Foundation Grant application submitted for paving under the verandah, landscaping & garden, and concreting the roller door entrances (successful).
- April to September — Fundraising: Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs gate manning and raffle ticket sales continued.
- December — Christmas lunch and final BBQ for the year. Fifty-five members, partners, and guests in attendance. Thanks to committeeman Mark Hardidge for organising.
- November — Work started to internally fit-out the main Shed.
- October — AMSA Grant Application submitted for: (1) a 4.5 KW Solar Electricity System and (2) a range of tools for the new Shed. Successful.
- September — Alpine Shire Community Grant Application submitted for a Solar Hot Water System for the Main Shed. Successful.
- September to December — Bunk Building Project: Contracted by the Outdoor School – Bogong to build 31 student bunks. The Scout Hall was hired and set up as a workshop. This project provided substantial funds that were used to outfit the new Shed.
- June-October — New Shed constructed on an Alpine Shire leased site next to the Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre. This was funded through a major grant obtained from the Victorian Department of Human Services – Building Better Sheds Program. Local business ‘Gentile Steel Fabrications’ constructed the Shed.
- May — Lease signed with Alpine Shire for the site next to the Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre.
- April to September — Fundraising: Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs gate manning and raffle ticket sales continued.
- February — Provided evening supervisors for the Sweet Valley Sounds Day.
- February to December — Member monthly general meetings and BBQ’s continued using the Mt Beauty Senior Citizens Clubrooms as the venue. Attendance averages 35 members.
- December 13-January — Erecting and dismantling street Christmas decorations for the Chamber of Commerce.
- December — Christmas lunch and final BBQ for the year. Sixty-five members, partners, and guests in attendance. Thanks to Mark Hardidge and Andrew Robertson for organising.
- December — Success with the Victorian Department of Human Services (Building Better Sheds) Grant Program for a $60,000 grant to build a Shed (Shell & concrete foundations only).
- October — President Dick Puttyfoot attended the National Men’s Shed Conference in Ballarat Victoria.
- September — Major grant application submitted to the Victorian Department of Human Services called Building Better Sheds Program ($60,000) to finance the building of a Shed. Thanks to Ian Howley, John Hunt and Dick Puttyfoot for preparing the application. President Dick Puttyfoot attended the three-day National Mens’ Shed Conference in Ballarat Vic.
- June — With assistance from the Alpine Shire the old Lions Club Storage Shed near the tennis courts was refurbished. This will be a great asset to us for storage as the main Shed is nearby.
- April to September — Fundraising: A fundraising activity was initiated with the Dederang/Mt Beauty Football & Netball Clubs where the Men’s Shed volunteers would man the gate and take entry money for the club. For doing this the club donated a trailer load of wood which we sold raffle tickets for as people entered the ground. This was a John Hunt & Dick Puttyfoot initiative.
- March — A trailer was purchased using a donation from the Mt Beauty Country Club. This was initiated by Ross Davis.
- February — Five Year Strategic Plan prepared.
- February to December — Member monthly general meetings and BBQ’s continued using the Mt Beauty Senior Citizens Clubrooms as the venue. Attendance averages 35 members.
- December – Alpine Shires Community Development Grant Application submitted to go towards the building of the Men’s Shed. Successful.
- December — A workshop on the Use of Mobile Phones for Seniors was conducted using the Mt Beauty Senior Citizens Clubrooms as the venue. Thirty-six people attended over two sessions during the day. This was co-ordinated by Paul L’Huillier and John Hunt and sessions conducted by outside instructors.
- November — Spanner in the Works health check session was conducted using the Mt Beauty Senior Citizens Clubrooms as the venue. Forty men were in attendance. Thanks to Maureen Ryland (Alpine Health) for initiating and planning the day.
- September — First AGM
- September — Federal Governments Volunteer Grants Program Application submitted for administration equipment. Successful.
- July — Bendigo Community Bank Grant Application submitted to purchase BBQ equipment and associated accessories. Successful.
- June — Men’s Health Day organised as part of Health Week. This was initiated by Maureen Ryland (Alpine Health). In combination with our monthly BBQ, a program of activities was developed centred around men’s health. 50 men attended.
- February to December — Member monthly general meetings and BBQs were conducted using the shelter at the Mountain Bike Park then as winter approached we moved to the Mt Beauty Senior Citizens Clubrooms. Attendance averaged 35 members.
- December — Shed Incorporated.
- October 21st – First committee meeting. This was held in the board room of Alpine Health Mt Beauty.
- October 14th — Steering Committee formed. Executive: Ian Docking – President; Dick Puttyfoot – Vice-President; Paul L’Huillier – Treasurer; Bruce Brereton – Secretary; Ordinary Members: Bill Sutton; Brendan Ellis; Campbell Ford; Graeme Caulfield; Alf Thistlewaite; Ian Howley; John Hunt; Maureen Ryland
- October 5th — Public Meeting held to gauge interest in forming a Men’s Shed in the Upper Kiewa Valley. 60 men attended.