May BBQ, West Wing Update, Footy Gate & other Projects
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BBQ Friday 14th May

May BBQ Friday 14th May — the function starts at 11:30 am for a sit-down lunch at 12 noon. The cost is $7.00. Please bring the correct money. Feel free to bring a friend and introduce them to the Men’s Shed. Note — there will be no BBQ in June.
Fundraising Activities – on going
Currently the Men’s Shed is involved in two fundraising activities.
- West Peak Hotel Raffles — the Shed is offered this opportunity every couple of months and is a very successful fundraising event. The next raffle will be on Friday 11th June starting at 5:30 pm for dinner with the raffle draws (20 of) starting at 7:00 pm.
- Football/Netball Gate Raffles — the Shed has been collecting the gate entry money for the Dederang Mt Beauty Football & Netball Club’s home games for six years. The Shed sells raffle tickets for a trailer load of wood or a $150.00 Bunnings voucher and that is how we raise funds. This season we are only collecting for the four Mt Beauty home games. The other five are held at Dederang. There is one more Mt Beauty Home Game to attend and that is on Saturday 29th May.
The coordinator Dick Puttyfoot is always looking for volunteers to assist. If you can, please call him for details – mobile: 0417 836 841.

Neighbourhood Centre Project completed

Shed Torque
- Birthday Boys for May — Congratulations to Graeme Caulfield, Reg Hollonds, Warwick Mitchell, John Hobday and Ciro Luchini who celebrate a birthday in May.
- Alpine U3A Movie Night — On Wednesday 12th May starting at 7:00 pm at the Senior Citizens Centre, Tawonga Crescent, Mt Beauty. Shed members can come as guests. Supper is provided at the interval. The movie is called Fisherman’s Friends. The film is based on a true story about Fisherman’s Friends, a group of ten Cornish fishermen from Port Isaac who were signed by Universal Records and achieved a top 10 hit with their debut album of traditional sea shanties.
The Plot — A fast living, cynical London music executive, Danny, reluctantly heads to Cornwall on his colleague Henry’s stag weekend, where he’s pranked by his boss, Troy, into trying to sign a group of shanty-singing fishermen. Danny becomes the ultimate ‘fish out of water’ struggling to gain the respect and enthusiasm of the unlikely boy band that consists of Jim, Jago, Leadville and Rowan, who all value friendship and community over fame and fortune. Attempting to overcome the fishermen’s skepticism about the music business, Danny finds himself drawn into the community, has his integrity tested and ultimately is shown the meaning of loyalty, love and friendship. This forces Danny to re-evaluate what really matters in life; ultimately giving him the chance of a different kind of success which leads to him falling in love with Jim’s daughter, Alwyn.
View the Trailer. Click [HERE]. It is a very funny movie.
The Men’s Table – men serving men
We don’t just talk about “footy and sh*t”
The Men’s Table creates a unique environment for men to share openly about their lives, their challenges, their highs and lows with a group of men who they learn to trust and respect.
The Men’s Table creates a sense of belonging, community, peer support and camaraderie that is lacking for many men, even for some who already have a group of mates.
It’s healthy to share feelings and belong in community (healthy men, masculinities, healthy communities).
What are they? — Men’s Tables are self-organising local groups that meet once a month for dinner, in a safe friendly environment, sharing the highs and lows of life. Good food in your tummy and stuff off your chest, as men listen, talk and share.
To JOIN a local Table or START your own click this link <>. For more details contact Mike Parkinson mob: 0413 736 145. The Men’s Table website is an excellent source of information. Click the link <>.
NEWS Flash (Rebound Program on Alpine Radio 96.5 FM)
Linda Parkinson and Kitty Vigo are interviewing Ben Hughes from The Men’s Table next Tuesday 11 May between 11.00 and 12.00 on the Rebound program on Alpine Radio 96.5 FM. Ben is a founding member of The Men’s Table and will provide an overview of what its about.
The West Wing update


Spanner in the Works Newsletter – April. Click [HERE] to read about noise-induced hearing loss, Parkinson’s Disease, Opioids and some good health maintenance tips.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.

The theme for NVW 2021 is Recognise. Reconnect. Reimagine. Checkout what is happening for Volunteer Week <>
April BBQ, Fund Raising & the West Wing Progress
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BBQ – Friday 16th April

April BBQ Friday 16th April — the function starts at 11:30 am for a sit-down lunch at 12 noon. The cost is $7.00. Please bring the correct money. Feel free to bring a friend and introduce them to the Men’s Shed.
Fundraising Activities
Currently the Men’s Shed is involved in three fundraising activities.
- West Peak Hotel Raffles — the Shed is offered this opportunity every couple of months and is a very successful fundraising event.
- Football/Netball Gate Raffles — the Shed has been collecting the gate entry money for the Dederang Mt Beauty Football & Netball Club’s home games for six years. The Shed sells raffle tickets for a trailer load of wood or a $150.00 Bunnings voucher and that is how we raise funds. This season we are only collecting for the four Mt Beauty home games. The other five are held at Dederang. The coordinator Dick Puttyfoot is always looking for volunteers to assist. If you can, please call him for details – mobile: 0417 836 841.
- Parking for the Mt Beauty Bike Club’s Enduro Event Sunday 18th April — the Shed will be parking cars for 4.5 hrs on this day and in return we receive a gold coin donation from each car.
Community Activity

Shed Torque
- Roland Passuello — Long-time member Roland Passuello passed away last Thursday. We send condolences to Annette and her family.
- Birthday Boys for April! — Congratulations to Irvin Beeston, Bruce Brereton, Graeme Carlile, Ian Howley, Geoff Reid, Bob Williams, Shane Clooney, Derek Hutton and Eric Napier.
- Alpine U3A Movie Night — This Wednesday 14th April starting at 7:00 pm at the Senior Citizens Centre, Tawonga Crescent, Mt Beauty. You can come as a Guest. A supper is provided at the interval.
The screening will be ‘On the Basis of Sex’ — The film tells an inspiring and spirited true story that follows young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination. The feature premiered in 2018 in line with Justice Ginsburg’s 25th anniversary on the Supreme Court. - New Member — We welcome Simon Costa as a new member.
Shed extension work progress

Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
March BBQ & the West Wing Progress
Please note – If these emails do not display correctly in the email application that you use e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Yahoo Mail etc you can always view the content on the Shed’s website. A shortcut for this is displayed at the top of the email ‘View this email in your web browser’.
Some of boys are not keen on the boring name ‘Shed Extension’ and rather like ‘The West Wing’. It could catch on…
BBQ – Friday 12th March

Shed extension work progress

Shed Torque
- Warwick Mitchell — It was great to see Warwick back in the Shed this week. It has been too quiet in the Recreation Room recently.
- Birthday Boys! — Congratulations to, Mal Darwent, Ian Sharp, Vaclav Marcak, Phil Collins and Peter Panozzo who have a birthday in March.
- Inspector-General for Emergency Management (Tony Pearce) Visit — This occurred outside the Shed with 15 people in attendance. He was there to seeking feedback from the community on how the Vic Gov’t managed the community recovery since the 2019-20 bushfires. Thanks to Henry Ziemnicki who manned the Shed BBQ and the NHCentre for the support of the visit.
- Shed providing man-power to the community — Recently the NHCentre has been installing, removing and rearranging furniture in the Centre. The Shed has assisted them with this heavy work.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
BBQ’s are back! — Fri 12th Feb ’21
Please note – If these emails do not display correctly in the email application that you use e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Yahoo Mail etc you can always view the content on the Shed’s website. A shortcut for this is displayed at the top of the email ‘View this email in your web browser’.
BBQ – Friday 12th Feb

Shed extension work progress

Work is progressing well under the guidance of builder Jeremy Reichl and his band of helpers on the internals of the extension. As can be seen from the above photo most of the framework is completed including all the walls except the eastern wall. Work has started on installing plywood to the walls of the large room that will house the filing compactus and other items. Insulation will be added to the walls this week then covered with plywood.
Rod Hyde has done wonders installing a sliding door to the toilet and manufacturing the main door between the two buildings.
Dick Puttyfoot, Shane Clooney, and David Quick (electrician) spent four hours on Sunday working all the electrical wiring through the extension and identifying switch/power points and lighting locations. The painting of the stormwater downpipes and along eaves has been completed.
Dick & Irvin

Shed Torque
- Lindsay Ikin — Long time member Lindsay Ikin passed away last Saturday. We send condolences to Fay and family.
- Get well — Ian Sharp is doing it tough at the moment. His mates in the Shed wish him well and enjoy his visits to the Shed.
- Birthday Boys! — Congratulations to, Nick Brown, Mark Hardidge, Alf Thistlethwaite, Larry Gardam, and Paul Haskett who have a birthday in February.
- New Members — Welcome to new members Peter Zumpe and Eric Napier. Hope to see you at the Shed in the near future.
- Volunteer mowing team — Thanks to the Shed mowing team for cutting ours and the Neighbourhood Centre’s grass. The grounds always look good. Also thanks to the Neighbourhood Centre’s ‘Green Thumb’ ladies for pruning our flower beds.
- Neighbourhood Centre’s Garden Shed Fence — Mal Darwent is in charge of this large project and it is nearing completion. He has had a number of helpers. Thanks, Mal, great job.
- Ladder Safety – All Shedders need to read this! Click [HERE].
Spanner in the Works — a Men’s Health Newsletter -Feb ’21 — Click [HERE] to read
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
• John Paul Young (JPY ) releases new Men’s Shed music video (1 min 31 sec). Click [HERE] to view & listen. It is very catchy jiggle and well-produced.
New Committee, Membership & Other News
Please note – If these emails do not display correctly in the email application that you use e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Apple Mail, Windows Live Mail etc you can always view the content on the Shed’s website. A shortcut for this is displayed at the top of the email ‘View this email in your web browser’.
2020/21 Committee
- Dick Puttyfoot (president)
- Henry Ziemnicki* (vice president)
- Noel McDougall (secretary)
- Paul L’Huillier (treasurer)
- Philip Armitage*
- John Driver
- Campbell Ford
- Irvin Beeston
- Rob van der Linden
- Barry Hinson
- Ian Howley
* Welcome to new committee members Henry Ziemnicki and Philip Armitage and thanks to Mark Hardidge (7 year’s on the committee – 2 as vice president) who is retiring from the committee.
2020/21 Memberships
Following the AGM held on Friday 18th September the annual membership fee has been increased by $10.00 to $45.00. This has been necessary to help cover the new Shed Extension insurance costs. Fees are due by 31st October 2020.
You can pay at the Shed but please bring the correct money. The treasurer’s preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit. Bank details are as follows: Account name: Mt Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc., BSB: 633 000 & Account #: 144372661. You can also pay via Campbell Ford at the Hardware & Drapery Store or over the counter at the Bendigo Bank. Please reference the payment as appropriate.
Thank you to those members that have already paid
A poem by Irvin Beeston

Member Profiles
Derek Hutton

Editors Note — Derek has been a long term member of the Shed and is a willing contributor to any project we have running. His expertise at present is learning everything about and using the wood lathe and is producing some interesting pieces.

Duncan Robertson

VMSA Bulletin
Click VMSA Special Bulletin – September 2020 to read.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. There have been 10 episodes in Series 1 and Series 2 now has FIVE episodes so far. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 9,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.