AGM & other news
Annual General Meeting
The 2020 AGM is being held on Friday 18th September starting at 10:00 am via video link. The application used for the video conferencing meeting is called ZOOM so to take part you need to download the application to your computer.
To be involved, you will need to download the FREE ZOOM software from <>. Select ‘Zoom Clients for Meetings’ by clicking on the Download Button. Follow the onscreen instructions. You will need to register as per the screen information.
Using a computer (or laptop) for ZOOM is better than other devices, though there is a ZOOM App for tablets and mobiles. Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for Android devices.
Your invitation to the AGM — If you wish to take part in the AGM via ZOOM then you will need to indicate this to the secretary <> by Tuesday 15th September. Once this is received you will be emailed a meeting INVITATION LINK.
Nomination Form — If you would like to be nominated for a committee position please download the Word version of the Form [HERE], type into it (no signatures required) and email it back to the secretary as above by Wednesday 16th September 2020. A Proxy Form can also be obtained by emailing a request to the secretary as above.
Membership Fees — At the AGM the committee will recommend to members that the membership fee for 2020/21 is increased by $10.00 i.e. from $35.00 to $45.00. The membership fee has not increased for five years. This increase is necessary to help cover our increased insurance costs for the new Shed Extension.
Shed Extension Progress
Shed construction manager Ian Howley reports that “the main contractor Gentile Steel Fabrications (Tony & son Jason) have completed most of the construction of the Shed extension. They should finish within the next two weeks. Some plumbing work will then be done by C & N Jones Plumbing. We will need to connect the stormwater drains.
However, under current restrictions members are unable to attend/work in the Shed so we will have to wait until Stage 3 COVID-19 is lifted before we can start the rest of the work on the extension.
In the interim, we are proceeding with the purchase of timber, electrical materials etc so we are ready to go when permitted“.

Get Well
We wish long time member and supporter David Wood all the best with his ongoing medical testing and procedures.
Member Profile
Rod Hyde

Kangaroo Hoppet – Do It Your Way
A number of Men’s Shed members have taken up the challenge and completed the virtual Hoppet over the last couple of weeks by covering one of the distances i.e. 7km Joey Hoppet, 21km Birkebeiner or 42km Kangaroo Hoppet THEIR WAY.
Get some exercise and support the 2020 virtual Hoppet by entering for only $10.00. Click Hoppet 2020 – Do It Your Way to enter.
Entrants have until Sunday 30th August to complete their chosen distance in the activity of their choice at a venue of their choice, i.e. walk, cycle, ski, run, jog, swim, roller ski, rollerblade, rollerskate or canoe/kayak (or any combination). It can be done over a number of days. It is an honour system. So get out there and do it YOUR WAY. As at 28th August 1,771 people have entered.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. There have been 10 episodes in Series 1 and Series 2 has just started. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 9,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
Why Men Need Toolboxes
Good for a laugh…
Click [HERE] to enjoy.
BBQ/General Meeting incl Guest Speaker – Fri 14th February
- When: Friday 14th February 2020
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $7.00
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
• BBQ — Again the Shed will be providing many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship. Following the sit-down BBQ lunch we will have a guest speaker. • Guest Speaker — Callum Bloomer (Paramedic). Callum will present an update for us on the use of our Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This will follow the sit down lunch. Members please make and effort to attend as it is important that we all are familiar with its use.Community Projects

Expression of Interest — Woodwork 101
Local Don Terry who is a Manager & Team Leader at Wodonga TAFE (Building & Cabinet/Furniture Making) has kindly offered to conduct evening woodwork sessions (called Woodwork 101) at the Shed. The program would introduce members to woodworking skills, machinery and tool use. Initially, all members would construct the same project then branch onto a project of their own choice. It is anticipated the program would be conducted in April & May 2020 for 8 x 2-hour sessions per week. There is no cost to members. NOTE — If you are interested in this program, please contact Paul L’Huillier: email <> or mobile: 0400 056 247 ASAP by Friday 21st February 2020 to express your interest – “first in best dressed”.Shed Torque
- New member — We welcome Juris Zonnenbergs as our latest member and the 60th for the year.
- Shed Extension — Ian Howley (Shed Construction Manager) is finalising the Building Permit, Builder Contract Agreement and the Tender document at present. It is all happening!
- Trailer — This football/netball seasons home game gate collection will use a dedicated trailer with a canopy to cart all the equipment needed for this annual fundraising project. Currently, it is being renovated thanks to a generous grant from the AGL Community Fund and should be in use for the first home game on Saturday 28th March against Yackandandah.
- Neighbourhood Centre Project — The Building Permit has been finalised and the new garden shed purchased. Shed foundations need to be boarded and concrete poured and shed erected. A fence across the front will complete the project.
- The Male Magazine — produced by Healthy Male (Andrology Australia). Click [HERE] to download the January issue 2020 and to subscribe. It is produced biannually.
- Health Male Resource Library — Click [HERE] to view and download articles and booklets. It is very extensive. You can also order to get a mailed hard copy. There is also an extensive library of Videos on Youtube. Click [HERE] to view.
BBQ/Special General Meeting incl Guest Speaker – Fri 18th October
- When: Friday 18th October 2019
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $7.00
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
Coming Events
- West Peak Raffle fundraiser — Friday 18th October. Come along and support this initiative. Dinner from 5:30 pm and 20 raffle draws at 7:00 pm. Funds towards the Shed Extension.
- Campe Diem Play — Saturday 26th October 2019 — a live theatre event. Community Centre 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm start. Tickets $25 / $20 — Bar, supper & raffle available. A highly entertaining live theatre event addressing suicide prevention. It is a contemporary portrayal of every day Australian males dealing with issues of health, grief, loss and depression. Written by local Megan Rigoni. Click [HERE] for more information. Note: Carpe Diem is latin and is pronounced (Kar-pay Dee-em) and means ‘Seize the Day’.
- Visit to the Tawonga Sth Stoewer Car Museum — Tuesday 29th October 2019. We meet at the Shed at 9:30 am sharp and travel to the location at 7573 Kiewa Valley Highway (just past the Bright turn-off). Park up on the road. Entry is a donation and a morning tea. You can travel independently if you wish.
- Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November 2019: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Shed has a lot of donated gear to sell and this is an opportunity to get a bargain. A sausage sizzle is planned. If members have some ‘useful’ items that they wish to donate please bring them to the Shed on the day. Note — if the item(s) remain unsold you will need to pick them up following the sale. Thank you.
- Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November 2019.
- AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Use – An Update — The Shed will be organising this update in the near future.
Membership Fees due…
Following the AGM in September the fee has been kept the same as last year i.e. $35.00. You can pay at the Shed (Tuesday or Wednesday) but please bring the correct money. The treasurer’s preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit. Bank details are as follows: Account name: Mt Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc., BSB: 633 000 & Account #: 144372661. Fees were due by 30th September 2019.Aluminium Boat – FOR SALE
The Shed has a 3m Aluminium Boat for sale including rowlocks and oars — $150.00. View at the Shed.Women in the Men’s Shed Program
If your partner or friend would like to participate in this program please get them to contact the Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre ASAP to book. Tel: 5754 1166.Notice of Special General Meeting & 18th October BBQ
Notice is hereby given to all Shed members that a special general meeting will be held at 12-30 pm on the 18th October 2019, at the Shed, where the only item of business is to consider a resolution for amendments to the Rules of Association (Constitution).
This meeting will be held in conjunction with our normal monthly BBQ.
The recommendation is to
(a) amend Clause 20 (3) 1 to – The annual general meeting must by resolution decide the number of ordinary members of the committee (if any) it wishes to hold office for the next year, and
(b) amend Clause 27 (1) to – No less than 50% of committee members will constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a meeting of the committee.
The committee wishes to advise members that the current Rules limit us to five ordinary members, but there were seven nominations at the AGM. The meeting agreed that all seven should become committee members but we need to change the Rules for this to happen.
Coming Events
• AFL Grand Final viewing at the Shed — Saturday 28th September ’19. 2:00 pm. Half-time refreshments provided.
• General Shed Morning Clean-Up — Tuesday 1st October ’19. 9:30 am to 12 noon. No project work – all hands ‘on deck’ for this clean-up.
• Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November ’19. 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This will be held at the Shed. We have a lot of donated items that we need to sell and the Melbourne Cup Weekend will give us this opportunity. A sausage sizzle will be put on.
• Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November in the Alex McCullough Hall.

Community Events coming up…
Community Forum @ AUDITORIUM@informationcentre — 7:30 pm Thursday, October 3rd. We will have Dr Helen Haines (Federal), Bill Tilley (State) and Charlie Bird (Alpine Shire) with us representing all three levels of government. Each will have the opportunity to address the group and then the audience will be able to address questions to them through our Chairperson, Jodee Betheras. Supper will follow and allow an opportunity to meet more informally
Pebble Beach Information Walk — 2:00 pm Saturday 5th October. The walk is to explain the extension of the West Kiewa Track from Pebble Beach which is being sponsored by the Victorian Government’s PICK MY PROJECT. Walk, ride or drive to Embankment Drive. If you drive, park your car there and walk to the Pebble Beach loop, approximately 1 km. along the track. Be at the loop ready to hear the information and walk the extension by 2 pm sharp. Please wear stout footwear and bring water and a hat and sunscreen.
A Reminder — AGM & BBQ – Friday 20th September ’19
The Shed’s eighth AGM is being held on Friday 20th September 2019 at the Shed – 2 Tennis Court Av. Mount Beauty starting at 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ followed by the AGM. Come along for the social camaraderie and to support this unique community organisation. The Shed provides a valuable asset for the UKV community. BBQ cost is $7.00. Please bring the correct money.
AGM documentation — This was emailed to you on Thursday 5th September including AGM Notice & Agenda, Financial Report, Nomination Forms and the 2018 AGM Minutes so please have a look at these documents.
Coming Events
- AFL Grand Final screening — Saturday 28th September. View at the Shed on the ‘Big 65″ Screen. 2:00 pm for a game start at 2:30 pm. Half-Time treats will be available. Don’t sit at home on your own come to Shed for a bit of social fun!
- General Shed Morning Clean-Up — Tuesday 1st October ’19. 9:30 am to 12 noon. No project work – all hands ‘on deck’ for this clean-up.
- Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November ’19. 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This will be held at the Shed. We have a lot of donated items that we need to sell and the Melbourne Cup Weekend will give us this opportunity. A sausage sizzle will be put on.
- Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November in the Alex McCullough Hall.
- Membership Fees 2019/20 — These are due following the AGM on Friday. The fee is the same as last year i.e. $35.00. You can pay on the day but please bring the correct amount of cash. You can also pay online by Direct Credit – the treasurer’s preferred method. Visit the Shed website and look under membership for bank details.

The Three Amigo’s — from left: Mal Darwent, Len Sims & Mark Hardidge. Len did a terrific job in repairing and refurbishing this Bar Bench. The client was very happy.

A Community Project – A bike rack for the Hospital Opportunity Shop manufactured by our welding and metalwork guru Barry Hinson.

A tile top installed on this table and the chairs & table painted. Thanks, Len Sims & Paul L’Huillier.

Garden Box – Warwick Mitchell is currently constructing this box (2m long x 0.6m wide x 0.8m high) for a client.