The Shed’s eighth AGM is being held on Friday 20th September 2019 at the Shed – 2 Tennis Court Av. Mount Beauty starting at 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ followed by the AGM. Come along for the social camaraderie and to support this unique community organisation. The Shed provides a valuable asset for the UKV community. BBQ cost is $7.00. Please bring the correct money.
AGM documentation — This was emailed to you on Thursday 5th September including AGM Notice & Agenda, Financial Report, Nomination Forms and the 2018 AGM Minutes so please have a look at these documents.
Coming Events
- AFL Grand Final screening — Saturday 28th September. View at the Shed on the ‘Big 65″ Screen. 2:00 pm for a game start at 2:30 pm. Half-Time treats will be available. Don’t sit at home on your own come to Shed for a bit of social fun!
- General Shed Morning Clean-Up — Tuesday 1st October ’19. 9:30 am to 12 noon. No project work – all hands ‘on deck’ for this clean-up.
- Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November ’19. 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This will be held at the Shed. We have a lot of donated items that we need to sell and the Melbourne Cup Weekend will give us this opportunity. A sausage sizzle will be put on.
- Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November in the Alex McCullough Hall.
- Membership Fees 2019/20 — These are due following the AGM on Friday. The fee is the same as last year i.e. $35.00. You can pay on the day but please bring the correct amount of cash. You can also pay online by Direct Credit – the treasurer’s preferred method. Visit the Shed website and look under membership for bank details.

The Three Amigo’s — from left: Mal Darwent, Len Sims & Mark Hardidge. Len did a terrific job in repairing and refurbishing this Bar Bench. The client was very happy.

A Community Project – A bike rack for the Hospital Opportunity Shop manufactured by our welding and metalwork guru Barry Hinson.

A tile top installed on this table and the chairs & table painted. Thanks, Len Sims & Paul L’Huillier.

Garden Box – Warwick Mitchell is currently constructing this box (2m long x 0.6m wide x 0.8m high) for a client.