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BBQ – Friday 12th Feb

Shed extension work progress

Work is progressing well under the guidance of builder Jeremy Reichl and his band of helpers on the internals of the extension. As can be seen from the above photo most of the framework is completed including all the walls except the eastern wall. Work has started on installing plywood to the walls of the large room that will house the filing compactus and other items. Insulation will be added to the walls this week then covered with plywood.
Rod Hyde has done wonders installing a sliding door to the toilet and manufacturing the main door between the two buildings.
Dick Puttyfoot, Shane Clooney, and David Quick (electrician) spent four hours on Sunday working all the electrical wiring through the extension and identifying switch/power points and lighting locations. The painting of the stormwater downpipes and along eaves has been completed.
Dick & Irvin

Shed Torque
- Lindsay Ikin — Long time member Lindsay Ikin passed away last Saturday. We send condolences to Fay and family.
- Get well — Ian Sharp is doing it tough at the moment. His mates in the Shed wish him well and enjoy his visits to the Shed.
- Birthday Boys! — Congratulations to, Nick Brown, Mark Hardidge, Alf Thistlethwaite, Larry Gardam, and Paul Haskett who have a birthday in February.
- New Members — Welcome to new members Peter Zumpe and Eric Napier. Hope to see you at the Shed in the near future.
- Volunteer mowing team — Thanks to the Shed mowing team for cutting ours and the Neighbourhood Centre’s grass. The grounds always look good. Also thanks to the Neighbourhood Centre’s ‘Green Thumb’ ladies for pruning our flower beds.
- Neighbourhood Centre’s Garden Shed Fence — Mal Darwent is in charge of this large project and it is nearing completion. He has had a number of helpers. Thanks, Mal, great job.
- Ladder Safety – All Shedders need to read this! Click [HERE].
Spanner in the Works — a Men’s Health Newsletter -Feb ’21 — Click [HERE] to read
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
• John Paul Young (JPY ) releases new Men’s Shed music video (1 min 31 sec). Click [HERE] to view & listen. It is very catchy jiggle and well-produced.