Come along to the Shed’s monthly BBQ Lunch. This month, as part of Health Week, we have a guest speaker: Russell Maher (Community Development Worker – Integrated Primary Mental Health Service).
- When: Friday 24th June 2016
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ & guest speaker starting at 12:30 pm.
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $5/person
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
Program: Mark Hardidge assisted by John Driver and Graham Caulfield will again be providing us with many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship.
Note the change of start time to 11:30 for Shed inspection, project updates (6 in progress at present) and general chit chat on all things to do with the Shed. Food will be served at 12 noon with the guest speaker starting at 12:30 pm.
Shed Operating Days & Times — Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Morning tea is at 10:30 am and is a great time to social and to get to know the other men. You are most welcome. Note: For July and August these days and times will most likely change. Members will be notified.