This coming Tuesday 15th January 2019 the Shed re-opens following the Christmas holiday break. As usual Shed opens Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:30 am to 3:30 pm with morning tea at 10:30 am.
We are having a special morning tea on Tuesday to kick-of the New Year. So please come along for a bit of post Christmas socialising. There will be no sausage sizzle as previously advertised.
West Peak Hotel Shed Raffle — This Friday evening 18th January the Shed is conducting a community raffle to raise funds for our Shed extension. Please come a long and support it. Dinner is from 5:30 pm with the raffle ticket sales 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm with the Raffle Draw at 7:00 pm.
Christmas Street Decoration Dismantling — This will take place this Sunday 20th January starting at 4:00 pm. We need six men for the job with some willing to climb the scaffolding. It takes 2 hours. Please let Dick Puttyfoot know if you can assist: Mob: 0417 836 841 or text.
Rosters (Mowing & Cleaning) — New rosters have been drawn up for the next three months. Please check the noticeboard at the Shed for your name. Please note — all regular Shed attendees and the committee automatically go on the Cleaning Roster. We need more volunteers for the Mowing Roster. Please contact Paul L’Huillier: Mob: 0400 056 247 or text to indicate your willingness to assist. Thanks to those who have already indicated.
Victorian Men’s Shed Association (VMSA) Newsletter — Click [HERE] to view the latest newsletter.