- Shed closed on Melbourne Cup Day – Tuesday 7th November (open on Wednesday as normal).
- Rotary Garage Sale in Pyles Paddock opposite Falls Creek Coaches Depot — Saturday November 4th, 2017. The Shed again will have a site. Starts at 8 am to 1 pm. Come on down and look for a bargain. This sale is another important fundraiser for the Shed.
- Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 6th December, 2017 at 12 noon in the Alex McCullough Hall (next to the Shed). It’s only $12.00 (pay at the door). More details to come.
- No BBQ in November.
- Membership Fees are now overdue — Please Click [HERE] for payment options. As a courtesy if you do not wish to renew your membership could you please let the Membership Secretary Paul L’Huillier <paullhuillier@bigpond.com> know so you can be deleted from the database. Just a reminder that members must be financial to be covered by our Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance Policy.