Street Christmas Decorations
For the sixth year, the Men’s Shed has erected the street Christmas decorations. This was done on Sunday 8th December with two shifts each of six men working for a total of four hours. Thanks to all involved.

Green Thumb Gardeners still needed

Media Releases re Shed Extension Grant
- Jaclyn Symes (Member for Northern Victoria) — Click [HERE] to view.
- Alpine Observer – 11th Dec ’19 — Click [HERE] to view.
Shed Torque
- Shed re-opens on Tuesday 14th January 2020 with a FREE sausage sizzle (snag in bread) at 12 noon.
- Veteran Survival — Tony Fraser & Wayne Taylor and Josh & Megan New speak openly with John Walker about how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects their lives. Click [HERE] to view a video of the interview.
- Bill Sutton’s 80th Birthday celebrations — Saturday 4th January 2020 at Settlers Tavern, Kiewa Valley Highway, Tawonga South, commencing at about 12.00 noon. Bill and Yvonne would love for you to come along and enjoy the afternoon. NO PRESENTS please, just pay for your lunch and drinks, or if preferred, simply come along and say g’day, and have a chat (he loves to chat, as we all know). If you can make it for lunch, please let Yvonne know – mob: 0438 575 441 or email <dearest040140@gmail.com> so that she can let Settlers know how many to cater for.
- Know Your Nuts — From the first time a boy gets his testicles hit in the schoolyard, he becomes keenly aware of his nuts. But while men talk about, joke about and learn to carefully protect their testicles, most men don’t know them as well as they should. Click [HERE] to learn more.
- Neighbourhood Centre Project — The improvements to the garden shed area of the Centre are progressing. Currently, work has been done in preparation for Bobcat work, adding road fill, boxing foundations and cementing. Another garden shed and fence will be erected in the new year.
• Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) Newsletter – The Shedder. Click [HERE] to view.
• Victorian Men’s Shed Association (VMSA) Newsletters – November: Click [HERE] to view and December: Click [HERE] to view.