Community Projects

Shed Torque
- For Sale — The Shed has a 15″ workable small Scroll for sale for $50.00. Contact mobile: 0400 056 247 if interested.
- Donation of Tools to Bushfire Appeal — Ian Howley arranged for a quantity of no longer needed Shed tools to be donated to the Bushfire Appeal. He transported them to the collection point in Wodonga and they then ended up at the Tallangatta Distribution Centre. Thanks, Ian.
- Local Weather — Did you know that since 2011 Mt Beauty have had their own Weather Station. It is situated on the roof of Alpine Radio 96.5 FM.
Click this link to view: <>
Data is updated every 10 minutes. - Mt Beauty & District Chamber of Commerce — A new executive and committee have been formed after a few years in recess. The Shed will be supporting the Chamber by becoming an associated member.
Woodwork 101
Expression of Interest
Local Don Terry who is a Manager & Team Leader at Wodonga TAFE (Building & Cabinet/Furniture Making) has kindly offered to conduct evening woodwork sessions (called Woodwork 101) at the Shed. The program would introduce members to woodworking skills, machinery and tool use. Initially, all members would construct the same project then branch onto a project of their own choice. It is anticipated the program would be conducted in April & May 2020 for 8 x 2-hour sessions per week. There is no cost to members.
NOTE — If you are interested in this program, please contact Paul L’Huillier: email <> or mobile: 0400 056 247 ASAP by Friday 21st February 2020 to express your interest – “first in best dressed”.