Editor’s note — Dick is currently in Melbourne and will have a medical procedure done prior to Christmas. Dick all the best from us Shedders for a speedy recovery.
Street Christmas Decorations
For the eighth year, the Men’s Shed has erected the street Christmas decorations. This was done on Sunday 6th December with two shifts each of six men working for a total of three hours. Thanks to all involved and to North East Home Improvement Co for the loan of their portable scaffolding. Decorations will be taken down mid-January 2021.

Shed extension work is progressing

Member Profiles
Graeme Caulfield

Roland Passuello

Shed Torque
- Shed re-opens on Tuesday 12th January 2021.
- Men’s Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd January 2021 starting at 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Shed. This is also a Community Market Day. Note: Members CANNOT bring their own personal items to sell at this sale.
- Ted Hamilton — Ted was a past member of the Shed and passed away on Monday 14th December. Condolences to his family.
- AGL Community Support Program — Thanks to AGL Energy the Shed received funds to assist with external works for the new extension i.e. paving under the verandah and around the Shed, concreting the roller door entrance and general landscaping. Thank you.
• Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) December Newsletter – The Shedder. Click [HERE] to read.
• John Paul Young (JPY ) releases new Men’s Shed music video (1 min 31 sec). Click [HERE] to view & listen. It is very catchy jiggle and well-produced.