If interested in attending this ‘Sleep’ Seminar on Monday 23rd July in Bright let the secretary know and we maybe able to carpool. Email <secretary@mountbeautymensshed.org.au>.
Christmas Luncheon – a terrific function
Last Wednesday we had 59 people attend the Annual Christmas Luncheon. This is the second year it has been held at the Alex McCullough Hall and we thank the Neighbourhood Centre for letting us use it and their well fitted out kitchen.
Our Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge had the food ordering and preparation well in hand. His helpers of Maureen Hardidge, Rod Hyde and Kerrie gave great support. The set-up team was on hand early to prepare the Hall. Thanks to all the assisted then and also for the clean-up at the end.
Our resident Bush Poet, Irvin Beeston, entertained us with a recital of four poems. Irvin’s poems are now a fixture of most functions the Shed organises. Thanks Irvin.
Warwick Mitchell made a beautiful coffee table of Alpine Ash which was auctioned off. Thanks Warwick.
Elene Wood made a beautiful Cake in the shape of our Men’s Shed. She put hours into the design and preparation. Thanks Elene. Fantastic. Elene has a cake making business and if you are after one for any occasion give her a call Mob: 0409 6753 192.
The three door prizes offered where appreciated.
Presentations — Three were made — Achievement Award to Mark Hardidge (Chef de Shed & Football/Netball Gate Raffle co-ordinator), a lovely bunch of flowers to Maureen Hardidge for all the support she gives Mark on Monthly BBQ days and as cashier for the Football/Netball Gate Raffle, and a Participation Award to young Billy Vasiliades for his contribution this year.
Shed Holiday Dates — Closing on Wed. 13st Dec 2017 & re-opening Tuesday 16th Jan 2018 with a sausage sizzle at 12 noon.
Shed Open Day & other News
Shed Open Day — This Saturday 14th October 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Shed is conducting this event as part of Seniors Month which is being conducted throughout Victoria. Come along, bring a friend and introduce them to the Shed. Just drop in and have look at what has been happening and what is planned. There is a sausage sizzle (gold coin donation) plus tea and coffee at around 12 noon. Another opportunity to to rub ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with like minded blokes and have a bit of fun. Hope you can call in sometime during the day to support this event.
Membership Fees are now due —The 2017/18 fees were approved at $35.00 for an individual member and $50.00 for a business/organisation. Fees are due by 31 October 2017. Click [HERE] to download, print off and fill-in the Membership Application Form. A number of payment options are given on the Form including via Direct Credit — the preferred method. Membership Forms are also available at the Shed and from the Mt Beauty Hardware & Drapery Store. Note: You must be a paid-up member of the Shed to be covered by our Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance.
Ladder Golf Game Project — Irvin Beeston is in charge of this project but needs wood dowel of 25mm diameter. Old broom handles of that size will do. If you can help out please contact Irvin: Mob: 0439 634 664 or Email <vinniebeeston@gmail.com> or drop them off at the Shed Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Items for Sale — The Shed has a couple of reconditioned bikes for sale (small $45.00 & Medium $50.00). Also Ladder Golf Sets at $50.00 and 7kg Bags of Kindling for $10.00. Mention the products to a friend.
AFL Grand Final … at the Shed
Another Shed Social Happening.
Come along for an afternoon of Grand Final viewing on the Shed’s 65” TV screen.
- When: Saturday 30th September 2017
- Time: 2:00 pm for a game start at 2:30 pm
- Who’s playing: Richmond (Tigers) V Adelaide (Crows). It will be a great game.
- Half-Time: Treats arranged by our ‘Chef de Shed’ Mark Hardidge (no charge). If Mark’s arranging the food you know not to miss this ‘half-time’ break. Tea & Coffee anytime.
This should be great social afternoon. You don’t have to be a ‘diehard’ football follower to enjoy the game and the company.
So we know numbers for the half-time ‘treats’ you need to RSVP me by Friday evening. Email <paullhuillier@bigpond.com> or Mobile: 0400 056 247.
Hope to see you there.
Paul L’Huillier
A reminder – Shed Christmas Luncheon – Wed. 7th Dec. 12 noon
Please RSVP to our Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge by Sunday 4th December or earlier if you plan to attend the annual Shed Christmas Luncheon — Tel: 5754 1619, Mob: 0407 549 651 or Email: maurk01@bigpond.com
It’s only $12.00 (pay at the door) – please bring the correct money.
Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 7th December / No BBQ in November