Notice is hereby given to all Shed members that a special general meeting will be held at 12-30 pm on the 18th October 2019, at the Shed, where the only item of business is to consider a resolution for amendments to the Rules of Association (Constitution).
This meeting will be held in conjunction with our normal monthly BBQ.
The recommendation is to
(a) amend Clause 20 (3) 1 to – The annual general meeting must by resolution decide the number of ordinary members of the committee (if any) it wishes to hold office for the next year, and
(b) amend Clause 27 (1) to – No less than 50% of committee members will constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a meeting of the committee.
The committee wishes to advise members that the current Rules limit us to five ordinary members, but there were seven nominations at the AGM. The meeting agreed that all seven should become committee members but we need to change the Rules for this to happen.
Coming Events
• AFL Grand Final viewing at the Shed — Saturday 28th September ’19. 2:00 pm. Half-time refreshments provided.
• General Shed Morning Clean-Up — Tuesday 1st October ’19. 9:30 am to 12 noon. No project work – all hands ‘on deck’ for this clean-up.
• Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November ’19. 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This will be held at the Shed. We have a lot of donated items that we need to sell and the Melbourne Cup Weekend will give us this opportunity. A sausage sizzle will be put on.
• Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November in the Alex McCullough Hall.

Community Events coming up…
Community Forum @ AUDITORIUM@informationcentre — 7:30 pm Thursday, October 3rd. We will have Dr Helen Haines (Federal), Bill Tilley (State) and Charlie Bird (Alpine Shire) with us representing all three levels of government. Each will have the opportunity to address the group and then the audience will be able to address questions to them through our Chairperson, Jodee Betheras. Supper will follow and allow an opportunity to meet more informally
Pebble Beach Information Walk — 2:00 pm Saturday 5th October. The walk is to explain the extension of the West Kiewa Track from Pebble Beach which is being sponsored by the Victorian Government’s PICK MY PROJECT. Walk, ride or drive to Embankment Drive. If you drive, park your car there and walk to the Pebble Beach loop, approximately 1 km. along the track. Be at the loop ready to hear the information and walk the extension by 2 pm sharp. Please wear stout footwear and bring water and a hat and sunscreen.