- When: Friday 14th February 2020
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $7.00
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
• BBQ — Again the Shed will be providing many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship. Following the sit-down BBQ lunch we will have a guest speaker. • Guest Speaker — Callum Bloomer (Paramedic). Callum will present an update for us on the use of our Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This will follow the sit down lunch. Members please make and effort to attend as it is important that we all are familiar with its use.Community Projects

Expression of Interest — Woodwork 101
Local Don Terry who is a Manager & Team Leader at Wodonga TAFE (Building & Cabinet/Furniture Making) has kindly offered to conduct evening woodwork sessions (called Woodwork 101) at the Shed. The program would introduce members to woodworking skills, machinery and tool use. Initially, all members would construct the same project then branch onto a project of their own choice. It is anticipated the program would be conducted in April & May 2020 for 8 x 2-hour sessions per week. There is no cost to members. NOTE — If you are interested in this program, please contact Paul L’Huillier: email <paullhuillier@bigpond.com> or mobile: 0400 056 247 ASAP by Friday 21st February 2020 to express your interest – “first in best dressed”.Shed Torque
- New member — We welcome Juris Zonnenbergs as our latest member and the 60th for the year.
- Shed Extension — Ian Howley (Shed Construction Manager) is finalising the Building Permit, Builder Contract Agreement and the Tender document at present. It is all happening!
- Trailer — This football/netball seasons home game gate collection will use a dedicated trailer with a canopy to cart all the equipment needed for this annual fundraising project. Currently, it is being renovated thanks to a generous grant from the AGL Community Fund and should be in use for the first home game on Saturday 28th March against Yackandandah.
- Neighbourhood Centre Project — The Building Permit has been finalised and the new garden shed purchased. Shed foundations need to be boarded and concrete poured and shed erected. A fence across the front will complete the project.
- The Male Magazine — produced by Healthy Male (Andrology Australia). Click [HERE] to download the January issue 2020 and to subscribe. It is produced biannually.
- Health Male Resource Library — Click [HERE] to view and download articles and booklets. It is very extensive. You can also order to get a mailed hard copy. There is also an extensive library of Videos on Youtube. Click [HERE] to view.