Come along for an afternoon of Grand Final viewing on the Shed’s 65” TV screen.
- When: Saturday 28th September 2019
- Time: 2:00 pm for a game start at 2:30 pm
- Who’s playing: Richmond (Tigers) V Greater Western Sydney (Giants). It will be a great game.
- Half-Time: Treats will be arranged (no charge). Tea & Coffee anytime. Bring your own alcohol & chair if you wish.
Last year was a great social afternoon. You don’t have to be a ‘diehard’ football follower to enjoy the game and the company.
Don’t sit at home on your own to watch the game come down to the Shed.
Hope to see you there.
Paul L’Huillier
2019/20 Committee
- Dick Puttyfoot (president)
- Mark
Hardidge (Vice President) - Ian Howley (secretary – temporary)
- Paul L’Huillier (treasurer)
- Len Sims
- John Driver
- Campbell Ford
- Irvin Beeston
- Rob van der Linden*
- Barry Hinson*
- Noel McDougall*
* Welcome to new committee members Rob, Barry & Noel and thanks to Reg Hollonds who is retiring from committee.
New Cleaning & Mowing Rosters (Sept to Dec 2019)
These have been emailed to volunteers and are displayed at the Shed.
2019/20 Memberships — due by 30th Sept 2019
Following the AGM on Friday the fee has been kept the same as last year i.e. $35.00. You can pay at the Shed but please bring the correct money. The treasurer’s preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit. Bank details are as follows: Account name: Mt Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc., BSB: 633 000 & Account #: 144372661.
Coming Events
• General Shed Morning Clean-Up — Tuesday 1st October ’19. 9:30 am to 12 noon. No project work – all hands ‘on deck’ for this clean-up.
• Shed Garage Sale — Saturday 2nd November ’19. 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This will be held at the Shed. We have a lot of donated items that we need to sell and the Melbourne Cup Weekend will give us this opportunity. A sausage sizzle will be put on.
• Christmas Luncheon — Wednesday 20th November in the Alex McCullough Hall.