Date: Wednesday 20th November 2019
Location: Mount Beauty Neighbourhood Centre’s Alex McCullough Hall
Time: 12 noon
Cost: $12.00 (pay at the door) – It’s very much appreciated if the correct money is paid.
Who is invited? Members and their partners, potential members and visitors.
Menu: You will be able to have your choice of roast beef, venison or chicken with vegetables, quiche and garden salad for mains, followed by plum pudding, fruit salad, custard and cream. Tea, coffee or fruit punch also available with shortbread and mince pies.
For catering purposes please RSVP by Monday 18th November to our Chef de Shed Mark Hardidge: Mob: 0407 549 651 or Email <>.
If you have any special dietary requirements, please include with your RSVP.
Shed Torque
- Shed Holiday Dates— Closing on Wednesday 11th Dec 2019 & re-opening Tuesday 14th Jan 2020 with a FREE sausage sizzle (snag in bread) at 12 noon.
- Committee Meeting Minutes— View these on the Shed website. Look under the Admin Menu.
- Membership Fee is now due ($35.00). Currently, we have 54 members for 2019/20.
- Shed T-Shirts — If you wish to purchase one of these please contact Campbell Ford at Mount Beauty Hardware & Drapery Store in Hollonds St to arrange.
- Flag Pole for sale — The Shed has a well-made steel flag pole and base that was made for an organisation that no longer needs it. It is for sale for $75.00. If you want it contact: Paul L’Huillier Mob: 0400 056 247 or tell a friend about it.
Street Christmas Decorations
Sunday 8th December — Each summer Shed members erect and dismantle these decorations for the Chamber of Commerce. If you would like to volunteer for a few hours for this project it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Paul L’Huillier: Mob: 0400 056 247 or Email <>. The Shed is paid for this service.
Shed Garage Sale … a success
On Saturday 2nd November the Shed held a large Garage Sale which was held at the Shed. We had many buyers between 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and it was a successful fundraising activity for the Shed. Most items sold were donated and we thank donors for their generosity. Over the last five years, the Shed has been involved in six garage sales.