Shed member Josh New, an army veteran, is inviting you to walk with him this Saturday.
You will be participating in a challenge called “Walking Off the War Within” which raises awareness of mental health issues surrounding our army veterans and emergency services personnel. The aim of the challenge is to walk 20 km.
The walk will be around the Mount Beauty Pondage a distance of ~3 km. Josh says “It’s not about the distance you walk, you can walk as little or as much as you like, it is more about getting together and raising awareness about mental health”.
The Men’s Shed has agreed to assist by conducting sausage sizzle on the morning with the aim of feeding the walkers and raising funds for Josh New’s fundraiser where funds go to Ballarat Legacy.
We are meeting at the Men’s Shed at 8 am and starting the walk at 8:30 am. We will be finishing at the West Peak Hotel for a hard-earned drink!
Come on down and support Josh with this initiative. Good exercise, good friends and very social. Bring a friend.
The Mount Beauty walk is being conducted in conjunction with the main event walk to be held in Ballarat with similar walks to be held around the country in coming weeks.