Isolation Seat Project

Shed Extension
The Shed Extension Project started back in June 2018. Finally, we are good to go. Ian Howley, who has lead this project from the start last week had the Plans and Building Permit signed off by the Alpine Shire. Ian thanks for all the hard work with this. We know it was frustrating at times to get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed but well done.
Tony Gentile of Gentile Steel Fabrications – Coral Bank won the Building Tender and this will be signed off this week. If all goes to plan the building works should start before winter.
To see all the work that has been done to date click [HERE] to view a gallery of photos.
1st On-Line Committee Meeting
Last week the committee arranged to have an ‘On-line’ meeting using the Video Conferencing Program called Zoom. There was a bit of a leaning curve for us but our first go at it went well. Since we cannot meet physically because of the Coronavirus restrictions we plan to have the May meeting this way as well.

A Shed Cooling System
Each year the Federal Government offers a Volunteer Grants Program to community organisations. The Shed has just applied for $5,000.00 (the max that can be applied for) for a Main Shed Cooling System. This has been costed at $7,560.00 so if we are successful the Shed needs to find the balance to put the system in. We should know by the end of May.
Shed On-Line
Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
Irvin’s small items project – from home
Irvin Beeston has continued to do what he does best — make small items for sale. He is making items in his workshop at home. Campbell has kindly allowed the Shed to sell these items in store. Thanks, Campbell.
Move!…..Find your 30

With everybody being restricted to the home it is very important that members make the effort to ‘get out & about’. Exercise is allowed outside the home. Find Your 30 is a program by Sport Australia, Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian Sports Commission to get Aussie’s moving. Click [HERE] to learn more. For Exercise Guidelines that apply to our age group click [HERE].
Member Profile
Mark Hardidge (Chef de Shed)

COVID-19 1000m Sprint (Race Call)
This is very, very funny. Click [HERE] to watch the 3 minute race call.
Lawn Mowing – Shed & NH Centre
Thanks to Noel McDougall the grass is being mowed around the Shed and the Neighbourhood Centre area as required. Noel has set up a roster so that this job can be continued for some months. Thanks to Barry Hinson & Brian Keeble for mowing Wednesday.