Please note – If these emails do not display correctly in the email application that you use e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Yahoo Mail etc you can always view the content on the Shed’s website. A shortcut for this is displayed at the top of the email ‘View this email in your web browser’.
The West Wing update


Other Projects pending…
- Community Project — Erection of three signs on the new Kiewa River Trail.
- Community Project — Erection of a sign and noticeboard on the Mount Beauty Scout Hall.
- Client Project — Making of six routed wooden signs for Howmans Gap Alpine Centre YMCA.
- Shed Project — Installation of a CCTV security system.
- Shed Project — Setting up of an Office for committee use in the West Wing comprising a computer, printer/copier/scanner, desk, chairs and filing cabinets.
Shed Torque
- Birthday Boys for June/July — Congratulations to birthday boys: Rob Van de Linden, Jeremy Reichl, Colin Clewett, Jeff Cummings, Garry Hollonds, Paul L’Huillier, Noel McDougall & Juris Zonnenbergs who have celebrated or will celebrate a birthday in June & July.
- No BBQ in July. The next one is on Friday 13 August. Speaker will be Paul L’Huillier talking about his recent ‘Camping 4WD Trip crossing the Simpson Desert‘. It will be supported with slides and video.
- Thank you — Alf Thistlewaite did a couple of furniture restoration jobs on behalf of the Men’s Shed for Mary Jones and daughter Roslyn Bloomer. Both ladies gave a generous donation to the Shed for Alf’s work. Again thank you.
- Annual General Meeting (AGM) — This will be held on Friday 17th September 2021 in conjunction with the monthly BBQ.
- West Peak Hotel Raffle — The Shed is offered this opportunity every couple of months and is a very successful fundraising event. The next raffle will be on Friday 20th August starting at 5:30 pm for dinner with the raffle draws (20 of) starting at 7:00 pm. Come along with your wife, partner or bring a friend and support this community initiative by the Hotel and assist the Shed with its fundraising.
- Tools & Equipment for loan — as a Men’s Shed member you are entitled to borrow tools/equipment on a short-term basis. There is a Registration Book in the Recreation Room to fill out. Make sure you check with the Day Shed Supervisor that it is OK to borrow that item. It could be being used by another member for a project. Also, the Shed has a ‘Stair Climbing Trolley’ that it shares with the Kiewa Valley Opp Shop in Tawonga Crescent and this can be borrowed from them. Just mention you are a men’s shed member when asking.
- Kiewa Valley Fishing Club — we welcome the club as a new member. They wish to make use of our Recreation Room for their meetings.
- West Wing Official Opening — This has been spoken about amongst the men but nothing is decided on yet. It most likely will not be anything as elaborate as the main shed opening five years ago but more in the style of a larger morning tea just for members and supporters.
Alpine U3A Movie Night – Wed 14th July 7:00 pm

The Plot — Based upon the novel “The Good Shepherd” by C S Forester, this is the thrilling story of an allied convoy crossing the North Atlantic in 1942 as it faces relentless attack by a German submarine wolf pack. The leader of the convoy’s relentless attack by a German submarine wolf pack. The leader of the convoy’s destroyer screen is a US Navy commander making his first Atlantic crossing. The story focuses on his command responsibility as he fights the cold, the relentless night, the brutal sea, and his deep fatigue as he chases down the attacking submarines in the deadly game of cat and mouse. The exciting story, a thrilling ride-along with the beleaguered captain, so deeply portrays the elements of battle command that for a long period of time the book was used as a text at the US Naval Academy. View the Trailer. Click [HERE].

Spanner in the Works Newsletter – May ’21. Click [HERE] to read. Always has good health advice.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
How to use the Service Vic QR Code App
Members attending the Men’s Shed are required to register their name and telephone number prior to entering. Please, if you have a smartphone, use it and the QR Code App to register. Instructions on how to do that are given below. Those without a smartphone can write their name and telephone number in the sign-in book in the Recreation Room.
How to use the Service Victoria app
If you don’t already have the app follow one of these YouTube demonstrations on how the get the Service Victoria app – use the one for your type of smartphone.
• For an iPhone:
• For an Android phone:
The name of the app you want in both cases is “Service Victoria”.
View this Guide on How to Use the App. Click [HERE].