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Shed Torque
The News Bulletin of the Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed
The West Wing update
The West Wing Shed Extension is coming close to passing the final Alpine Shire Building Inspection. This will happen this Wednesday 4th August. Ian Howley (Construction Manager) deserves a huge thank you for all the work he has put into planning the building, organising contractors and shed members to see the project through to completion. The final task over the next month or so will be moving equipment from the main shed to the West Wing and adding work benches. Storage areas are completed. As an aside to this Ian was also the Construction Manager for the main shed which was opened nearly six years ago.


Other Projects pending…
- Community Project — Erection of a sign and noticeboard on the Mount Beauty Scout Hall.
- Client Project — Making of six routed wooden signs for Howmans Gap Alpine Centre YMCA.
- Shed Project — Installation of a CCTV security system.
- Shed Project — Shifting equipment to the West Wing from the main Shed.
- Shed Project — Making an electrical Kindling Splitter.
- Shed Project — Paving under the West Wing verandah and landscaping the area.
Nuts & Bolts
- Birthday Boys for August — Congratulations to birthday boys: John Driver, John Hunt, Les Bevan and Jim Gargan who will celebrated a birthday this month.
- No BBQ in August. Due to the current COVID restrictions we can only have 10 people in the recreation room hence not enough space for a BBQ.
- Dick Puttyfoot — Dick recently had a medical procedure done and will be away from the Shed for a week or two. We wish him all the best with his rehab.
- Annual General Meeting (AGM) — Hopefully this will be held on Friday 17th September 2021 in conjunction with the monthly BBQ provided restrictions are eased.
- West Peak Hotel Raffle — The Shed is offered this opportunity every couple of months and is a very successful fundraising event. The next raffle will be on Friday 20th August starting at 5:30 pm for dinner with the raffle draws (20 of) starting at 7:00 pm. Come along with your wife, partner or bring a friend and support this community initiative by the Hotel and assist the Shed with its fundraising.
- Tools & Equipment for loan — as a Men’s Shed member you are entitled to borrow tools/equipment on a short-term basis. There is a Registration Book in the Recreation Room to fill out. Make sure you check with the Day Shed Supervisor that it is OK to borrow that item. It could be being used by another member for a project. Also, the Shed has a ‘Stair Climbing Trolley’ that it shares with the Kiewa Valley Opp Shop in Tawonga Crescent and this can be borrowed from them. Just mention you are a men’s shed member when asking.
- Men’s Shed Week — 30th August to 5th September 2021 — Look out for more details in the next Shed Torque. We will be celebrating the fundamentals of Men’s Sheds: connection, community and camaraderie.
- West Wing Official Opening — This has been spoken about amongst the men but nothing is decided on yet. It most likely will not be anything as elaborate as the main shed opening five years and a half years ago but more in the style of a larger morning tea just for members and supporters.
- No more Football/Netball gate money collecting — After eight years the Shed committee have decided not to continue with this activity for the remainder of the season. It has run its course for the Shed. We thank the Dederang Mount Beauty Football & Netball Club for the opportunity to use this activity as part of our fundraising.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Spanner in the Works Newsletter – July ’21. Click [HERE] to read. Always has good health advice.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.

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