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Shed Torque
The News Bulletin of the Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed
We are OPEN again … Tuesday 14th Sept.
Welcome back after another forced lockdown break. Fortunately, it was not too long this time and many are keen to get back in the Shed and do the stuff we like doing.
The usual COVID-19 protocols apply i.e. QR Code check-in or alternative options, mask-wearing, hand sanitising, and 1.5m social spacing. NOTE – All members attending the Shed are expected to abide by the Vic Health Department rules. If you are not DON’T come!
Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Friday 17th Sept at 12 noon
The AGM is being held in conjunction with a social gathering (not a BBQ) but with light finger food, tea and coffee. There is NO CHARGE. Our Chef de Shed (Mark Hardidge) is arranging a variety of food that we will get stuck into following the AGM at 12 noon. Thanks Mark for organising this.
NOTE — We need to comply with current restrictions regarding gatherings indoors and we will be doing this i.e. 1 person per 4sqm with a maximum of 20 people in an area are the rules). We plan to use both the recreation room and West Wing to accommodate numbers or if a nice day the outside area.
Agenda items — President’s Report, Treasurers Report, Election of Office Bearers, setting the membership fee for 2021/22 and a small alteration to our constitution re membership. The excellent news is we have 10 nominations for committee positions already so it should be a short meeting.
Presidents Report by Dick Puttyfoot. Please read prior to the AGM.
The West Wing update
We have passed the final Alpine Shire Building Inspection. Well done Ian Howley (Shed Construction Manager) and all the helpers. The whole project started two years ago (planning, funding, building, outfitting the internals, landscaping). A huge undertaking but very satisfying now.
Final tasks will be — 1. Paving under the verandah (thanks to Len Sim and Margaret Mills for the donation of the pavers), 2. Moving equipment from the main shed into the West Wing and 3. Recladding the dust extracting shed.

RSL seats at the Cenotaph

Other Projects pending…
- Community Project — Erecting signage along the Kiewa River Trail.
- Community Project — Refurbishing three old metal snow poles retrevied from Mt Bogong to be used as an external display by the Kiewa Valley Historical Society.
- Client Project — Making of six routed wooden signs for Howmans Gap Alpine Centre YMCA.
- Shed Project — Installation of a CCTV security system.
- Shed Project — Shifting equipment to the West Wing from the main Shed.
- Shed Project — Making an electrical Kindling Splitter.
- Shed Project — Paving under the West Wing verandah and landscaping the area.
Nuts & Bolts
- Birthday Boys for September — Congratulations to birthday boys: Ken Halse, Dick Puttyfoot, Len Sims and Michael Parkinson who will celebrated a birthday this month.
- West Peak Hotel Raffle held on Friday 20th August with $740.00 being raised.
- Tools & Equipment for loan — as a Men’s Shed member you are entitled to borrow tools/equipment on a short-term basis. There is a Registration Book in the Recreation Room to fill out. Make sure you check with the Day Shed Supervisor that it is OK to borrow that item. It could be being used by another member for a project. Also, the Shed has a ‘Stair Climbing Trolley’ that it shares with the Kiewa Valley Opp Shop in Tawonga Crescent and this can be borrowed from them. Just mention you are a men’s shed member when asking.
- West Wing Official Opening — This has been spoken about amongst the men but nothing is decided on yet. It most likely will not be anything as elaborate as the main shed opening five and a half years ago but more in the style of a larger morning tea just for members and supporters.
- Snooker/Billard Table for the Shed — This is being investigated.
- Cleaning Roster Duties — Noel has prepared a new roaster. A new Duty LIst has been put up for display in the Kitchen and Toilet area. Please read and complete the tasks. Why am I on the Roster? The Shed policy is that all committee members and other regular users of the Shed either for work or socialising are expected to ‘do their bit’.
- VMSA New Constitution — The state organisation recently held a Special General Meeting via video conferencing to approve a new consititution. Forty five Victorian Sheds attended.
AFL Grand Final at the Shed
An invitation
To Shed members, friends and others to view the Grand Final on our 65” TV on Saturday 25th September from 7:00 pm between Western Bulldogs (Dogs) and Melbourne (Demons).
Should be a great evening and an opportunity to meet other like-minded blokes for some mate-ship, camaraderie and fellowship.
You don’t have to be a ‘diehard’ football follower to enjoy the game and the company.
Hope to see you there.
Paul L’Huillier … an avid Doggies supporter

Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Spanner in the Works Newsletter – August ’21. Click [HERE] to read. Always has good health advice.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.