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Shed Torque
The News Bulletin of the Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed
BBQ — Friday 12th November

Membership is now Due!
Thank you to the 42 members who have renewed their membership for 2021/22. There is a number who have not but we value your support. The fee is $45.00.
Please pay at the Bendigo back in person indicating that the payment is from you or preferably by Direct Credit into the Shed bank account.
Bank details are as follows. Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc, BSB: 633 000, Account #: 144372661.
Christmas Lunch — Sunday 12th December

The Men Shed is having their Christmas Lunch at the Alex McCullough Hall next to the Neighbourhood Centre on the 5th of December 2021 and all members, partners and friends are invited.
Lunch will consist of roast beef and/or roast chicken with all the trimmings, plum pudding and custard and cream. The cost will be $15.00.
If you and your partner would like to attend, please RSVP to our Chef de Shed, Mark Hardidge by email <> or mobile: 0407 549 651 and advise him of your attendance and any special dietary requirements by Monday 22nd November 2020.
Shed Projects
Relocation of equipment

Evaporative Coolers installed

Nuts & Bolts
- Birthday Boys for October/November — Congratulations to birthday boys: Ken Darling, Campbell Ford, Henry Ziemnicki, Brian Keeble and Bob Ferris who will celebrated a birthday.
- Christmas Luncheon — This is planned for Sunday 12th December and RSVPs need to be in by Monday 22nd November. Cost is $15.00. See NOTICE above.
- Garage Sale — This is planned for New Years Day 1st January 2022 at the Shed.
- Welcome to New Members — Neil Tappe and Scottie Miller
- Holiday dates for the diary — Shed will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday 15th December and re-open on Tuesday 11th January 2022. With our new Evaporative Coolers it should be pretty comfortable working.
- U3A Film Night — At the Senior Citzens Centre – Tawonga Cres on Wednesday 10th November starting at 7:00 pm supper at the interval. Note – you don’t need to be a U3A member to attend. Movie is called Red Joan. It is the story of Joan Stanley, who was exposed as the K.G.B.’s longest-serving British spy. English-born Stanley (Dame Judi Dench), a Soviet and Communist Party sympathizer, becomes employed as a British government civil servant and gets recruited by the K.G.B. in the mid-1930s. She successfully transfers nuclear bomb secrets to Soviet Russia, which enables them to keep up with the west in the development of atomic weapons, and remains undetected as a spy for over half a century.
- Tools & Equipment for loan — as a Men’s Shed member you are entitled to borrow tools/equipment on a short-term basis. There is a Registration Book in the Recreation Room to fill out. Make sure you check with the Day Shed Supervisor that it is OK to borrow that item. It could be being used by another member for a project. Also, the Shed has a ‘Stair Climbing Trolley’ that it shares with the Kiewa Valley Opp Shop in Tawonga Crescent and this can be borrowed from them. Just mention you are a men’s shed member when asking..
- Evaporative Cooling System for the Shed — Two coolers are now installed. Thanks to NE Heating & Cooling for the installation of on one in the main Shed and the other in the West Wing. Dick Puttyfoot arranged for this to happen. Thanks Dick. Funds came from a Federal Government Volunteer Grant of $5,000.00 and the Shed contributed $3,000.00 from general funds.
- Cleaning Roster Duties — Noel has prepared a new roaster. A Duty LIst has been put up for display in the Kitchen and Toilet area. Please read and complete the tasks. Why am I on the Roster? The Shed policy is that all committee members and other regular users of the Shed either for work or socialising are expected to ‘do their bit’.
- Storage Shed Clean Out — A major task was cleaning up around the Storage Shed and also inside the shed. Two trailer loads of disgarded timber was taken to the tip and at last we have room to move in there. Thanks to Phil Armitage who built some extra storage racks.
Professor David Wood’s Funeral arrangements
It is with sadness that we inform you that David passed away on Tuesday 26th October after a long battle with cancer. Our condolences go to Elene and the family.
David was a supporter and longtime Shed member. He was a stalwart of Alpine U3A. He was a life member, he held important executive positions and taught a number of courses during his eight years as a member. He was also the driver of the Probus Club of Mount Beauty.
Attendance is by RSVP to Lester & Son Funeral Directors Ph (02) 6040 5066 by Friday midday 12th November 2021.

Shed Talent

Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Spanner in the Works Newsletter – September ’21. Click [HERE] to read. Always has good health advice.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.