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Shed Torque
The News Bulletin of the Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed
AGM held last Friday 17th September 2021.
The 2021 AGM was held last week with 27 in attendance. A great roll-up and the finger food prepared by Mark and Maureen Hardidge was very much appreciated. Thank you. It was a good social occasion with many members catching up after recent lockdowns.
Committee for 2021/22
- President — Dick Puttyfoot
- Vice President — Henry Ziemnicki
- Secretary — Noel McDougal
- Treasurer — Paul L’Huillier
Ordinary Members
- Ian Howley
- Barry Hinson
- John Driver
- Campbell Ford
- Irvin Beeston
- Phil Armitage
- Mark Hardidge
- Rod Hyde
Thank yous! —A big thank you to retiring member Rob van der Linden who was on the committee for two years and a welcome back to Mark Hardidge who was previously on the committee for five years including two as vice president and Rod Hyde who was a previous committee member for three years.
As has been the case over a number of years committee members also select various portfolios that they are responsible for. For example: day shed supervisor, workshop panel, project coordinator, shed maintenance officer, external fundraising coordinator, assistant secretary, membership secretary, grant applications, health & safety sub-committee, first aid officer, website administrator, publicity officer (news bulletin), catering, welfare officer and policy development & review.
Membership is now Due!
At the recent AGM the members decided to keep the membership fee the same as last year i.e. $45.00 (individual) and $50.00 (business/organisation). This is now due and needs to be paid by 30th September 2021. Early payment is very much appreciated by the committee.
Please pay at the Bendigo back in person indicating that the payment is from you or preferably by Direct Credit into the Shed bank account.
Bank details are as follows. Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc, BSB: 633 000, Account #: 144372661.
Please note – payment cannot be made to Campbell at the Hardware and Drapery Store any longer. Thanks, Campbell for allowing some members to pay this way for a number of years. Please walk up the street and do it at the bank (note there are new Bendigo Bank trading hours).
The West Wing update

RSL seats at the Cenotaph – further progress.

Mount Bogong Snow Poles

Some background — The poles were part of a pole line on the Staircase Spur of Mt Bogong placed there years ago to guide hikers and skiers. They are made of steel telescopic sections and have holes at intervals up the poles. Wind passing through these holes creates a whistling sound that helped guide hikers and skiers to follow the spur in low visibility.
Vic Parks recently brought the poles down by helicopter. Alpine Shire has given approval for the Kiewa Valley Historical Society to erect three poles outside the Visitor Information Centre. Ian Howley is coordinating this project for the Historical Society.

Nuts & Bolts
- Birthday Boys for September — Congratulations to birthday boys: Ken Halse, Dick Puttyfoot, Len Sims and Michael Parkinson who will celebrated a birthday this month.
- October BBQ & General Meeting — Scheduled for Friday 15th October 2021 provided that restrictions ease to allow us a reasonable number of members in the Shed.
- Tools & Equipment for loan — as a Men’s Shed member you are entitled to borrow tools/equipment on a short-term basis. There is a Registration Book in the Recreation Room to fill out. Make sure you check with the Day Shed Supervisor that it is OK to borrow that item. It could be being used by another member for a project. Also, the Shed has a ‘Stair Climbing Trolley’ that it shares with the Kiewa Valley Opp Shop in Tawonga Crescent and this can be borrowed from them. Just mention you are a men’s shed member when asking..
- Evaporative Cooling System for the Shed — To make working in the Shed bearable in the summer months the Shed is investigating installing an evaporative cooling system.
- Cleaning Roster Duties — Noel has prepared a new roaster. A new Duty LIst has been put up for display in the Kitchen and Toilet area. Please read and complete the tasks. Why am I on the Roster? The Shed policy is that all committee members and other regular users of the Shed either for work or socialising are expected to ‘do their bit’.

AFL Grand Final at the Shed
An invitation
To Shed members, friends and others to view the Grand Final on our 65” TV on Saturday 25th September from 7:00 pm between Western Bulldogs (Dogs) and Melbourne (Demons).
Should be a great evening and an opportunity to meet other like-minded blokes for some mate-ship, camaraderie and fellowship.
You don’t have to be a ‘diehard’ football follower to enjoy the game and the company.
Hope to see some of you there.
Paul L’Huillier … an avid Doggies supporter
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 10,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Spanner in the Works Newsletter – August ’21. Click [HERE] to read. Always has good health advice.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.