This Survey is f
Mount Beauty & District Men’s Shed
as requested by the Alpine Shire
Have your say and play a role in identifying litter and illegal dumping priorities for the region.
The North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group (NEWRRG), which plans for waste and resource recovery for the region, has received funding from the Victorian Government to develop a Regional Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan.
The plan will be the result of a partnership between councils, alpine resorts, state government departments and agencies and community and environmental groups based on local evidence identifying litter and illegal dumping priorities for the region.
To help develop the plan, the NEWRRG are investigating community views, concerns and priorities about items that should have been disposed of correctly that become litter or are illegally dumped. NEWRRG are seeking your views on these two issues separately where litter broadly is considered to be small items of waste while illegal dumping generally relates to larger items bigger than a plastic shopping bag.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is confidential and anonymous. Individual responses will be collated and analysed as group data and reported back to the community as the regional plan is developed. Completed surveys must be received by midnight Sunday 4 August 2019.
Anyone that lives in the region is invited to complete a survey. When you complete the survey if you choose to provide your contact email address you automatically enter a draw to win a $100 gift card.
It would be appreciated if you could distribute the survey to your membership by directing them to the Engage Victoria webpage — Click this link to take the Survey <>. Survey closes Sunday 4th August.
On behalf of the North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group and partners, thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey.
Jenny CorserDevelopment Officer (Youth & Communities)Mob: 0419 915 319 Monday, Wednesday – Friday | Alpine Shire Council ABN 14 821 390 281 Great Alpine Rd, Bright PO Box 139, Bright, VIC, 3741 Tel: 03 5755 0555 |

Reminder — BBQ & General Meeting this Friday 12 noon at the Shed.