- When: Friday 20th October 2017
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $5/person
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
Program: Mark Hardidge, our own Chef de Shed, will again be providing us with many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship.
Note the change of start time to 11:30 for Shed inspection, project updates and general chit chat on all things to do with the Shed. Food will be served at 12 noon.
Major Shed News
- Men’s Health Sessions Program — With the help of Maureen Ryland (Alpine Health) the Shed has arranged for professional health personnel to talk on relevant health issues every two months starting this Friday. The talk will following the sit-down BBQ. Sessions will be conducted for 30 minutes (including questions & answers).
The topic — Palliative Care Awareness and will be presented by the highly qualified Maureen Hardidge (RN, RM, Graduate Diploma & Masters Palliative Care, MCNA). The mention of Palliative Care to a person who is unwell usually invokes a feeling of panic or distress for them and their family. This is commonly due to a misguided community perception of the philosophy and role of Palliative Care in a persons disease trajectory. Palliative Care does not always mean death is imminent, although it has to be acknowledged that late involvement does at times mean that death follows closely to the referral for Palliative Care being made.
The purpose of the discussion on Friday is to try to demystify Palliative Care and explain its role and benefits.
- Anti-Poverty Week — 15th-21st October 2017. Anglicare Mt Beauty Emergency Relief and the Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre are holding a “Food for Thought” Devonshire Tea in the Rose Garden Cafe this Tuesday 17th October at 10:00 am to highlight the importance of working together to provide good food for individuals and families in crisis. Cost is $5.00.
This looks like a great opportunity for us blokes to support this cause and have morning tea this Tuesday at the NHCentre instead of the Shed. Bring your $5.00.
- Pondage ‘any’ Pet Walk — Sunday 22nd October starting at 10:00 am. This event is put on by the Mt Beauty & District Community Bank. Entry is $5.00 and proceeds go to the Men’s Shed. The Men’s Shed will be providing a BBQ (gold coin donation) and there will be a stall or two as well. Members with pets are encouraged to participate.
Shed Operating Days & Times — Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Morning tea is at 10:30 am and is a great time to social and to get to know the other men. Gold coin donation thank you. The Lunch break is at 12:30 pm. You are most welcome.