- When: Friday 16th August 2019
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $7.00
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
• BBQ — Again the Shed will be providing many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship.
• Guest Speaker — Helen L’Huillier (OAM).
Earlier this year Helen and husband Paul spent 3 weeks helping out on the historic Dunlop Sheep Station on the Darling River near the township of Louth NSW, 100km west of Bourke. Helen will talk about some of their interesting experiences and the type of work they did during their stay, as well as the history of the station and the owners’ plans for the future. Helen has a collection of photos and a short video to accompany her talk.
Helen & Paul’s experiences are fascinating and the photos are outstanding. Come and hear about the shearers who went on strike and swam across the Darling River to play cricket on the other side, much to the fury of the boss who had sheep in the yards waiting to be shorn.
Major Shed News
- Football/Netball Gate volunteers — Please contact the co-ordinator Mark Hardidge if you can assist: Mob: 0407 549 651 or Email: <maurk01@bigpond.com>. The last Dederang home game is this Saturday 17th August i.e. nine for the season. Please offer to assist. It’s the Shed’s major fundraiser. It’s a lot of fun and very social.
Healthy Male for Men, Family & Friends (eNews) — July 2019.
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