- When: Friday 17th May 2019
- Start Time: 11:30 am for a 12 noon sit down BBQ .
- Where: The Shed – 2 Tennis Court Ave Mount Beauty
- Cost: $7.00
- Who is invited: Members, potential members & visitors.
• BBQ — Again the Shed will be providing many BBQ delights. There will be the usual socialising, camaraderie and fellowship. The talk will follow the sit-down BBQ lunch.
• Guest Speaker — Peter Panozzo — Peter will show a short video and talk about his and brother David’s portable ‘Timber Mill’ that they can transport to the site of a tree to mill it.
Also president Dick has a short video to show as well. It’s a secret!
Major Shed News
- Football/Netball Gate volunteers — Please contact the co-ordinator Mark Hardidge if you can assist: Mob: 0407 549 651 or Email: <maurk01@bigpond.com>.
- ‘Tools Down’ Thursday mornings — The committee discussed whether we should persevere with this initiative and because of low attendance have decided to discontinue it. In the spring we will trial opening the Shed on a Saturday morning (once per month) as a social get-together as well as offering items made in the Shed for sale to the public. Garage sale items would also be offered for sale.
- Grants — The Shed has been fortunate to have applied for and been successful with two grant applications. One was to update our Apple iMac computer that is internet connected and free for members to use. The Wi-Fi is also free for members to use with their mobile phones, laptops and tablets. The other grant was for a larger Marquee (3m x 4.5m) for use especially by the volunteers at our Footygate Raffles. It’s a quality product with the Shed name and logo on the front. The second part of this grant was for another ‘Compactus’ storage unit that will be used in the Shed extension. Shed Extension Grant — The Victorian Department of Health & Human Services has finally made the application available and Ian Howley and myself are currently working through it. We will be applying for $60,000.00. Estimated total project cost is $106,000. The Shed has to contribute $46,000.00 in cash and in-kind labour/materials. It has to be finalised by the end of June. Notification of success or otherwise will not be until late December 2019.
- Future BBQ’s — As in previous years, there will be no BBQ in June.
- Donation of six chairs — Alf Thistlethwaite kindly donated six quality chairs to the Shed. Thanks, Alf.
A community event…
The Bendigo Bank is inviting the public to a community event* that it is organising on Thursday 16 May 2019 — 5:00 pm for a 5:30 pm start at the Mt Beauty Information Centre Auditorium.
Refreshments will be provided. For catering purposes please RSVP to Mount Beauty & District Community Bank® Branch on:
• Telephone (03) 5754 4484 or
• Email <MountBeautyMailbox@bendigobank.com.au>
*John Maher – Sharing Carmen’s Road Safety Message — This is a free event. You won’t want to miss this, John’s true life story. You will never take life, your role in life or road safety for granted again.