The Victorian Government announced on Sunday 24th May 2020 that as from Monday 1st June ‘Libraries, youth centres and other community spaces are to open, with no more than 20 people in a single area’.
The Shed committee is now in a position to re-open the Shed and have decided to do this on Tuesday 2nd June taking into account the hygiene and distancing requirements. We all need to be conscious of this when interacting with other members and not become ‘slack’ – ‘we will be alright Jack!‘ We are all in that vulnerable age group so let us look out for one another and do the right thing. The Shed has been closed for 9 weeks now so it’s all go again!
See you at the Shed.
Dick Puttyfoot
Shed protocols that MUST be adhered to if you intend to visit the Shed.
- Use of hand sanitiser — use it religiously!. We will have plenty available.
- Disinfectant wipes — must use to wipe down tools & machinery etc that you intend using.
- Drinking Mugs — must bring your own and either store in a locker or take it home and bring it each time.
- Maximum of 10 members allowed at any one time in the Recreation Room as permitted by the 4 sqm per person in a space rule. The 1.5m distancing rule will always apply.
- Morning Tea — If there is more than 10 then others go outside if weather is suitable or into the workshop area. Alternatively, if we get a ‘crowd’ we may have to stagger the time.
- Sign-In Book — We need to make sure we sign in & out so a good record of attendance is kept. If a ‘virus outbreak’ did occur health authorities would need to be able to track people.
- Shed Cleaning — This will be done on Wednesday (pm) as per Roster.
From AMSA — advice from the National Cabinet is very clear: continued success against COVID-19 is about collective action and depends on maintaining our new community norms – physical distancing, good hygiene practices and downloading the COVIDSafe app to keep us all safe while we are out and about.
New Committee Member
We are very pleased to welcome Henry Ziemnicki to the Shed committee. Henry replaces our ‘renovation guru‘ Len Sims who is selling up and moving back to Queensland. Len has been on the committee for four years and we thank Len for his contribution to the committee and the Shed’s development.
A Cool Shed for Summer!
The committee has been considering for some time how we can make the workshop environment safer and more appealing to members in the hot summer months. Of course, we need a cooling system and a number are under investigation. In the meantime funds for such a project are needed. The Federal Government have come to the party with a $5,000.00 Volunteer Grant to go towards the project. It is estimated that the total project will cost $8,250.00. So by this summer, the workshop could be a very pleasant place to work.
Member Profile

Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. There have been four episodes so far. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
VMSA Newsletter
Click [HERE] to view the May newsletter.
Lighten Up Lads!
Lots of laughs with this lot – again. Click [HERE] to view & have a laugh.