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Shed Torque
- Shed closing & re-opening dates for the Holidays — The Shed will close for Christmas on Thursday 17th December 2020 and re-open on Tuesday 12th January 2021.
- Birthday Boys! —Congratulations to Ian Docking, David Wood, Lindsay Ikin and Ian Boyd who have a birthday in December.
- Get well — Ian Sharp, John Driver, David Wood, Irvin Beeston and Dick Puttyfoot are having or have had medical examinations or procedures recently. We wish them well with their on-going recovery and diagnosis.
- Shed Extension — To get the work completed as quickly as possible the Shed will extend its workdays to three per week. Thursday is the extra day– same hours 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Work that has started or been completed in the last couple of weeks includes — floor sealing, stormwater drainage, landscaping around the west and south sides of the Shed, breakthrough for the new internal door between the two Sheds, electrical wiring put through from the main switchboard to where the new board will be and the timber for the internal work arrived from Bunnings.
- Herbie Ougham Memorial Celebrations at the Shed — This was held on Saturday 21st November with 60 people in attendance.
- Huge Shed Garage Sale— It is planned to hold a Garage Sale at the Shed on Market Day Saturday 1st January 2021.
- Putting up Street Christmas Decorations — This will happen this Sunday 6th December starting at 8:00 am. Thank you to those members who have volunteered.
- Irvin Beeston AND his CART — Irvin will again be at this Saturdays Community Market to sell his wares direct from his Trolly Cart at Men’s Shed bargain prices. Come down and say hello.
2020/21 Membership
Following the AGM held on Friday 18th September the annual membership fee has been increased by $10.00 to $45.00. This has been necessary to help cover the new Shed Extension insurance costs. Fees were due by 31st October 2020.
You can pay at the Shed but please bring the correct money. The treasurer’s preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit. Bank details are as follows: Account name: Mt Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc., BSB: 633 000 & Account #: 144372661. You can also pay via Campbell Ford at the Hardware & Drapery Store or over the counter at the Bendigo Bank and of course at the Shed now we are open. Please reference the payment as appropriate.
Thank you to those members that have already paid.
Member Profile
Phil Armitage

Spanner in the Works Newsletter – December 2020. Click [HERE] to read.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. This is a very professionally produced podcast and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
Shed Music Video featuring John Paul Young. It’s catchy! Click [HERE] to watch & listen.
Project & Extension Work