Please note – If these emails do not display correctly in the email application that you use e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, Apple Mail, Windows Live Mail etc you can always view the content on the Shed’s website. A shortcut for this is displayed at the top of the email ‘View this email in your web browser’.

Herbie Ougham’s Memorial Celebration
His family would like to invite the Men’s Shed members to a Memorial Celebration of his life on Saturday 21st November at 11:00 am at the Les Peart Oval Mount Beauty.
Lets support our mate and attend.
- Social distancing must be observed.
- Bring your own chair.
- Wear the Shed T-Shirt (if weather suitable).
- Wear a hat.
Thanks to our Welfare Officer Dick Puttyfoot who has been liaising with Herbie’s daughter Tina Flint and RSL representatives Bob Williams and Peter Bellman in planning the Memorial Celebrations. Herbie was in the Australian Navy.

Shed Torque
- Birthday Boys! —Congratulations to Brian Keeble and Bob Ferris who have a birthday this month.
- Get well — Ian Sharp was sent to the Cancer Unit at the Albury Base Hosptial last week. Ian all the best with your recovery. Also John Driver and David Wood have had some medical procedures recently and we wish them well with their on-going recovery and diagnosis.
- Shed Extension — The internal fit-out. Ian Howley (Project Construction Manager) has a plan to get this work started. The committee met briefly on Tuesday morning to discuss and work out a plan. Orders for timber, insulation, electrical items etc are well in hand. To get the work completed as quickly as possible the Shed will extend its workdays to three per week. Thursday is the extra day– same hours 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
- AGL Community Grant — Thanks to the generosity of AGL Hydro the Shed has been granted $2,320.00 for external works to our new Shed extension.
- VMSA has a new CEO — Derek O’Leary. Click [HERE] to read his profile.
2020/21 Membership
Following the AGM held on Friday 18th September the annual membership fee has been increased by $10.00 to $45.00. This has been necessary to help cover the new Shed Extension insurance costs. Fees were due by 31st October 2020.
You can pay at the Shed but please bring the correct money. The treasurer’s preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit. Bank details are as follows: Account name: Mt Beauty & District Men’s Shed Inc., BSB: 633 000 & Account #: 144372661. You can also pay via Campbell Ford at the Hardware & Drapery Store or over the counter at the Bendigo Bank and of course at the Shed now we are open. Please reference the payment as appropriate.
Thank you to those members that have already paid.
Shed Extension work has begun

Member Profile
Ian Docking

Shed Covid-19 Protocols
Protocols that MUST be adhered to if you intend to visit the Shed
- Wearing of masks — all members attending the Shed will need to wear a face mask and must supply their own.
- Use of hand sanitiser — use it religiously!. We will have plenty available.
- Disinfectant wipes — must use to wipe down tools & machinery etc that you intend using.
- Drinking Mugs — must bring your own and either store in a locker or take it home and bring it each time.
- Maximum of 10 members allowed at any one time in the Recreation Room as permitted by the 4 sqm per person in a space rule. The 1.5m distancing rule will always apply.
- Morning Tea — If there is more than 10 then others go outside if weather is suitable or into the workshop area. Alternatively, if we get a ‘crowd’ we may have to stagger the time.
- Sign-In Book — We need to make sure we sign in & out so a good record of attendance is kept. If a ‘virus outbreak’ did occur health authorities would need to be able to track people.
- Shed Cleaning — This will be done on Wednesday (pm) as per Roster.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. This is a very professionally produced podcast and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.