Shed Opening ??
From AMSA — “We advise you to contact the authorities relevant to your state to ensure any steps you take to reopen are appropriate and within the easing of restrictions”. Victorian Men’s Sheds have not yet had the OK to open.
May Committee Meeting
The committee met for the second time via video conferencing on Wednesday 13th May. We had eight members participating with three apologies. Committee change — Ian Howley is stepping down as secretary after six years so he can devote his energies to the construction of the Shed Extension as our Shed Construction Manager. Noel McDougall has taken on the job of secretary. Thanks, Ian for the last six years (he will remain on the committee) and to Noel for accepting the secretarial position.
Project work in lockdown
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Shed Online
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Lighten Up, Lads!
Lots of laughs with this lot. Click [HERE] to view.