Annual General Meeting
The 2020 AGM is being held on Friday 18th September starting at 10:00 am via video link. The application used for the video conferencing meeting is called ZOOM so to take part you need to download the application to your computer.
To be involved, you will need to download the FREE ZOOM software from <>. Select ‘Zoom Clients for Meetings’ by clicking on the Download Button. Follow the onscreen instructions. You will need to register as per the screen information.
Using a computer (or laptop) for ZOOM is better than other devices, though there is a ZOOM App for tablets and mobiles. Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for Android devices.
Your invitation to the AGM — If you wish to take part in the AGM via ZOOM then you will need to indicate this to the secretary <> by Tuesday 15th September. Once this is received you will be emailed a meeting INVITATION LINK.
Nomination Form — If you would like to be nominated for a committee position please download the Word version of the Form [HERE], type into it (no signatures required) and email it back to the secretary as above by Wednesday 16th September 2020. A Proxy Form can also be obtained by emailing a request to the secretary as above.
Membership Fees — At the AGM the committee will recommend to members that the membership fee for 2020/21 is increased by $10.00 i.e. from $35.00 to $45.00. The membership fee has not increased for five years. This increase is necessary to help cover our increased insurance costs for the new Shed Extension.
Shed Extension Progress
Shed construction manager Ian Howley reports that “the main contractor Gentile Steel Fabrications (Tony & son Jason) have completed most of the construction of the Shed extension. They should finish within the next two weeks. Some plumbing work will then be done by C & N Jones Plumbing. We will need to connect the stormwater drains.
However, under current restrictions members are unable to attend/work in the Shed so we will have to wait until Stage 3 COVID-19 is lifted before we can start the rest of the work on the extension.
In the interim, we are proceeding with the purchase of timber, electrical materials etc so we are ready to go when permitted“.

Get Well
We wish long time member and supporter David Wood all the best with his ongoing medical testing and procedures.
Member Profile
Rod Hyde

Kangaroo Hoppet – Do It Your Way
A number of Men’s Shed members have taken up the challenge and completed the virtual Hoppet over the last couple of weeks by covering one of the distances i.e. 7km Joey Hoppet, 21km Birkebeiner or 42km Kangaroo Hoppet THEIR WAY.
Get some exercise and support the 2020 virtual Hoppet by entering for only $10.00. Click Hoppet 2020 – Do It Your Way to enter.
Entrants have until Sunday 30th August to complete their chosen distance in the activity of their choice at a venue of their choice, i.e. walk, cycle, ski, run, jog, swim, roller ski, rollerblade, rollerskate or canoe/kayak (or any combination). It can be done over a number of days. It is an honour system. So get out there and do it YOUR WAY. As at 28th August 1,771 people have entered.
Shed Wireless – a new initiative from AMSA – Click [HERE] to listen. There have been 10 episodes in Series 1 and Series 2 has just started. Professionally produced and has heaps of Shed information. Each episode is ~1hr 15min. It is definitely worth checking out. It currently has an audience of over 9,000 listeners in a number of countries.
Shed Online – Stay Connected with Your Mates. Click this link The AMSA Shed Online. Members need to register to join the Forums – an easy process.
Why Men Need Toolboxes
Good for a laugh…
Click [HERE] to enjoy.